Monday, August 30, 2010

Kumar Bottomless Party

Money The denial of faith to

I do not know what you would expect from someone like Geddafi. Certainly that is here on a state visit bring with odalisques, Berber horses, amazons, hostesses and other things that allow you to do the religious adviser ... Well, the words come to have no meaning any longer.
How can our prime minister to accept and justify such an attitude? How could accept to be received on a visit he made in the Libyan land, a dictator who wore a military uniform hanging on the pictures of freedom surely abusive past, but also challenge ignorant brotherhood among peoples who look to a future of peace?
nonsense words, then as now. Define
antics of injuries to our deep social conscience, and religious history, this is not acceptable, even in the light of reason of state that must bring in cheap energy to keep our country competitive.
What compromises have to go down again?
Putin is not a communist, although formally ex? But he has gas and cheap oil, and then be okay in his dacha to get some fresh air. Yeah, I forgot: now in Russia it is hot enough to tame the fires we have to send our bombers, lasciando sguarnite alcune zone italiche. Ma va bene lo stesso....
Siamo il Paese delle contraddizioni e del compromesso, dove la dignità è stata venduta da tempo.
Durante gli anni della Guerra Fredda c'era la Gladio Bianca, coperta anche da eminenti personaggi politici e religiosi pronta ad intervenire nel caso di aggressione Russa; oggi chi ci difende da un ateo islamico che viene a fare proseliti in terra nostrana?
Mi rivolgo ai signori che pontificavano al Meeting di Rimini: avete più paura dello spettro delle elezioni o di un alleato che farnetica l'Europa Islamica? Perchè quello vi siete scelti per partner. Ed io, sinceramente, di uno così, un po' di problemi me li farei....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Scholarships Ambliopia

now we are at the denial of evidence. The editor of Famiglia Cristiana, which attacks Berlusconi and Berlusconi is the cry of the child who says "The king is naked", the ancient tale.
here to defend the Premier deployed throughout the first line of the CL of the PDL, ready to honor and claim the total absence of abuse suffered by the excellent and to give the epithets and threats to Don Sciortino. Just as in the "case Boffo", called by the Catholic weekly.
are confirming evidence and deny it. A sum
protection of all then there is the figure of stentorian Catholic lit Bondi. That, it is worth remembering, was mayor PCI (those those who were once communist, you know ...) of a Tuscan village, before you embark with the revelation of the Lord's anointed.
What else has to happen because people understand?
Bossi What gives us is an asshole to Casini, have never loved.
will also have really finished Senatùr to take coffee with Fini, which had already done several years ago and this has hurt his health. Despite everything, still undaunted, smoking his cigar at all times, even indoors where it would be prohibited. A fine example of a Minister of the Republic (North?).
But now the "Ghe I think" we went to the "Ghe pensen lur." To destroy the majority, I mean. This constant internal erosion has now had the effect of such a worm dig all the pulp of this executive.
Just think of the numbers who have had only two years ago, both in terms of electoral support, both in terms of separation imposed on the number of parliamentary minorities. He could govern without problems for the entire term, if only we had the opportunity to measure once and for all of Berlusconi's inability to govern. This government could be granite, now is pure waste paper, without a soul, destined to enjoy the last days of life searching for a mask ossigento (UDC) that will never arrive, be forever breaking even with Bossi. We now know that to destroy the image of Berlusconi is not even took all 5-year term, has self-destructed, disintegrated.
All this behind the Italians, who turned from the opposition would like to see at least some degree of cohesion and political program. So, even at the risk of being delusional, well-being is a clarification that is conducive to open nominations for Vendola Chiamparino, if you have to do it in a hurry these primary (by September) and then you go to vote, if you can not just put on track a caretaker government.
But you also do something in the opposition center-left ...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ridgeline Backup Camera

Towards elections

's Summit of the PDL last night, has set itself the word "end" to this majority. The reasons are essentially two: 1. with the condition on the gallows "Trial Brief" Finian we wanted to put the opposition, forcing his hand on a theme from which they can no longer hold back, or risk losing all credibility with potential new voters, 2. returns to talk about tax cuts, after it was shown that this Government is unable to do so (the source is the same Tremonti).
With the exit fees, Berlusconi began his campaign. This subject has always been his forte, but she has always mancato. L'abolizione dell'ICI è stata devastante per le finanze degli enti locali, ed il suo Governo non è riuscito certo a sopperire con misure adeguate a questa mancanza.
Ora Bossi preme per le elezioni. E' chiaro: lui è uno che su queste cose vede lungo. D'altra parte questo per lui sarebbe solo manna: in un momento di debolezza del PdL, potrebbe accaparrarsi un buon numero di nuovi elettori provenienti da quell'area, e forse al Nord potrebbe addirittura arrivare ad essere il primo partito. Fantapolitica?
Non credo, vista la debolezza attuale dell'opposizione, resa anche più evidente dal fatto di essere stata spazzata via dalle cronache politiche (la maggiore fonte di informazione all'elettorato) dal duello fra i due cofondatori del PdL.
Fini farà il suo nuovo partito. Ne ha tutte le connotazioni, può tranquillamente arrivare oltre il 10%. Il vero problema è dove vorrà collocare l'ago della bussola politica, dal momento che in questo quadro è difficile dare una collocazione a chiunque.
Non esiste più una Destra o una Sinistra come poteva essere ai tempi di Berlinguer e Almirante; d'altra parte, tutti coloro che non hanno una collocazione certa si definiscono di "Centro", senza sapere bene nemmeno quale sia l'indicazione da dare per raggiungere questo Centro.
Tutti vanno alla ricerca del voto riformista e moderato, altre due etichette che rischiano di diventare inutili e stantie. Nessuno pensa più al bene comune, con la politica diventata una professione a tutti gli effetti, con gente che vi naviga senza coraggio e senza idee, o smentendosi clamorosamente con le loro stesse parole (leggi Capezzone).
Personaggi inutili, come Rotondi o Pizza, un sottosegretario di rango solo perchè detentore del simbolo della DC, persone che qualsiasi cosa dicano ha valore solo per se. Personaggi d'agosto, che escono dall'anonimato per un'intervista agostana quando i leader sono in vacanza e dopo pochi giorni ripiombano del più cupo grigiore, dove ciò che conta è solo dare il proprio voto in sintonia col partito.
Un partito sempre più padrone. Non solo il PdL, che unico della storia della Repubblica si not found in a home or public institution, but a private house of his father-master. But also to the other party lacks what it takes to put a stop to a type of patriarchal management, Leadership of the party, with primaries or consultations ridiculous cardboard base.
I am reminded of Dante: "servile Italy, grief's hostelry ship without a pilot in a great storm, not a woman of Provinces, but brothel." Lines of 1300 can now be so today, when escort (prostritute in Italian) run publicly in the bed of high worth individuals and institutional buildings, instead of being afflicted with these, almost if they have?
In America there have been fine candidate for president, and even some President che hanno perso ruolo e reputazione per molto meno. Da noi li osannano. Certo, il puritanesimo americano è carico di ipocrisia, ma la dignità di un politico, di un ministro o peggio, non dovrebbe essere motivo di attenzione anche per i singoli e onesti cittadini?
Cosa ci potrà capitare di peggio in questa situazione? Molte cose, prima fra tutte la perdita della dignità della rappresentanza politica, che farebbe di conseguenza tracollare ogni ulteriore speranza di un rinnovamento in questo senso.
Poi la necessità di un cambiamento di rotta, non solo ideologico/filosofico, ma soprattutto di approccio, di trasparenza e partecipazione. Resto fermo nella mia idea che occorre un rinnovamento radicale nella classe policy, which should return to the search for the roots of truth and must be the engine of political solidarity.
I fully accorodo with the assertions of the Cardinal Bagnasco: Yes to federalism that unites, not what divides. In the Yankee League, there are only the beginnings of a selfish federalism, which tends to keep the money where there is wealth.
One final note: I've come to frequent the hands of a few titles of newspapers and magazines 15 years ago, in May 1995. The names were read in the headlines were: Bossi, Berlusconi, D'Alema, Fini. No other country in Europe and perhaps in the world can boast such long-lived presence of the "usual suspects", they are the majority or opposition, between the benches of power.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pain In Left Shoulder And Breast

The battle of the numbers on illegal

As always, the facts. I take some news agencies this year, just to frame the problem of illegal landings.
Rome, April 14 2010 (Adnkronos) - From January 1 to April 4 this year, landed in Italy are only 170 illegal immigrants landed in 4573 compared to same period in 2009, a decrease of 96%. This was announced by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, during his hearing before the Committee Schengen.
The Press (August 9, 2010) - "There is a constant flow e una pressione migratoria che rimane sostanzialmente immutata se non aumentata al di là e a dispetto di tutti gli accordi presi tra Italia e Libia», spiegano dalla Caritas. «Rispetto ai mesi scorsi c’è stata infatti una ripresa degli sbarchi, soprattutto in Salento e in Sicilia - dice -. Il cambio di passo dei trafficanti di disperati è dimostrato proprio dal caso recente della Puglia, dove un paio di settimane fa una imbarcazione "anomala" di lusso trasportava 60 migranti irregolari stipati nelle cabine nella speranza di non essere intercettati dalla Capitaneria di Porto, come invece è avvenuto». «E nuova - aggiunge - sembra anche la procedura seguita la notte scorsa a Linosa dalla barca che ha scaricato i migranti (40) sulla spiaggia e poi si è allontanata».
Excite - (10 agosto 2010) Si parla di immigrazione. Secondo l'organizzazione cattolica Caritas dopo gli accordi con la Libia il flusso di sbarchi di immigrati verso le coste italiane è rimasto costante e la pressione migratoria è rimasta sostanzialmente immutata se non aumentata. Come si legge sulla Repubblica il responsabile nazionale della Caritas, Oliviero Forti, invita la politica a non trattare il tema dell'immigrazione 'in modo strumentale' perché 'questo significa non voler affrontare seriously the issue '.
Il Sole 24 Ore (15 August 2010) - The arrivals of illegal immigrants, from August 1, 2009, to July 31 of this year decreased by 88%, from 29,000 for the period August 2008 -July 2009, at the end of 3499 to July 2010. He said the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, of Palermo after the meeting of the Committee for National Security, which was also attended by colleagues in the government and Justice Minister Angelino Alfano.
new daily di Puglia - Porto BADISCO (August 18, 2010) - This time the illegal immigrants who traveled on board "Yasmine" means a vessel fifty-foot sailboat with two masts, the Finnish flag. Started with a Greek port, the ship sailed for two days before landing its cargo of human beings. Yesterday, at around 3 am, the illegal immigrants took to the beach of Porto Badisco.
This is recent news on the subject illegal immigrants. On one hand, Interior Minister Maroni, engaged in a time of extreme political tension within the majority and the country, to give an image of solidity and credibility of your department in the management of agreements and for coastal surveillance eliminate (or at least reduce) the phenomenon of illegal immigration.
other hand, Caritas and other leading organizations at the national level, internet sites and free voices to bear witness, to give another interpretation, indicating a different state of things, due to clever manipulation of reality and the figures.
Accurate: the numbers are numbers, will be missed. But it's like you get to those numbers which leaves more of a doubt.
reading the various reports (I have provided a glimpse of what is very poor area of \u200b\u200bcomment on these events), we learn that the 2009 agreement between Italy and Libya began to take shape and now forces Libyan order to better control their coasts.
addition, the Italian forces have developed surveillance implement a directive of the Ministry about the so-called "refoulement", namely to prevent barges desperate to land on Italian shores, often full of people at the end of their tether, with many women and children who have not paid the minimum relief .
Still, some were closed reception centers, such as Lampedusa, so that anyone who is trapped does not end there, but the center of Porto Empedocle.
The result of the sum is therefore correct, but that the addends to be incorrect, and reliable, as configured by other circumstances, explained by Caritas. While Italy took
agreements with Libya, the traffickers were not with folded hands. Unfortunately, as we know well, all forms of crime are always ahead of the action of the police of any country, by definition. So
flows of illegal migrants from Africa have taken other avenues and other means. It is not part of the coast of a country before conniving and tolerant, like Libya, which used illegal immigrants as a weapon of blackmail to the Italian Government (that task has cost us € 11 billion, let's not forget), but other Arabian coast ports of the Mediterranean, from Tunisia and Egypt.
But those from the regions of Middle and Far East now coming from Turkey and then Greece.
They also changed the ways of carrying these illegal immigrants: no longer boats adrift, easily identifiable, even at long distances and easily "reject" and now come with jacht, sailboats, luxury cabins, but also small vessels crammed as usual until 'far-fetched.
For months, they are passed under the nose of the patrol, before anyone accrogesse of these new means and methods. In the meantime, we've got to believe the nonsense of Maroni and his men.
Only those who work in the area and is in contact with the persons involved painful stories, criticism, the limits of the human condition, stories that take us back to the slave trade as they really are these people can speak words of truth.
The Police, the Navy, the Guardia di Finanza operate in a vast territory and with relatively few resources, dedicated strictly to execute orders that in some cases, perhaps many, are not shared. But the military should not share, you need only follow orders received.
These are stories of pain and death that affect, at this time in history and in this geographical location, people just for being born a few thousand of miles to the north or further south you see relegated to lives diametrically opposite.
I have written before, but I would like to reiterate the concept that a human life is a human life, not skin color, no religion, no sex. Our conscience calls us respect and compassion for them and for us. Lock us in the fort to defend our things causes us to lose our soul, our culture, the true meaning of life.
We can build false truth, to reassure voters, pretending that all is well, but ultimately there will flood the truth. Deal with it openly and with hands outstretched in a gesture of fraternal embrace is the one that reminds us every day that a crucifix in every so often, even the Leaguers, thoughts turn to ask a few more votes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2007 Honda Pilot Audio Ipod Connection

In the name of the Italian people

We are experiencing a particularly delicate moment historical and political life of our country. Never happened in the recent history of the Republic, who lived a political climate so hot and controversial, plus a summer so hot then, at least in the North, certainly not.
The controversy is, as usual, between those at the institutional causes, with nothing to calm tones and statements beyond the permissible, the cautious and measured response than others, and attack it with your other items, a sort of "pincer effect".
E 'if the person asserting the need to go to elections right away, without checking the situation of political governance of the country, as it indicates the practice. And forget the content of the article 88 della Costituzione: "Il Presidente della Repubblica può, sentiti i loro Presidenti, sciogliere le Camere o anche una sola di esse". Solo il Presidente della Repubblica ha questo potere, non i partiti politici o i loro portavoce.
E sempre la Costituzione, all'art.92 comma 2, afferma:"Il Presidente della Repubblica nomina il Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri e, su proposta di questo, i ministri". Quindi chi afferma che solo Berlusconi è legittimato a governare, è in errore. Chiunque abbia una maggioranza parlamentare può dare indicazione sul nome Presidente del Consiglio.
Inoltre, chi afferma che siamo in un ordinamento maggioritario, è smentito dai fatti: avete provato a contare quanti partiti are represented in Parliament today? And how many currents within the parties themselves? Just to not be vague, we have: PD, Italy of Values, UDC, PDL, Lega Nord, MPA SVP, the "Finian, the Christian Democrats for Making Round, the Liberal Democrats Dini, the Popular Liberals and Giovanardi surely I have forgotten anyone.
This complexity is also confirmed by the number of ministers (24) that make up this government, just two fewer than last Prodi and was harshly criticized for this. On the other hand, if the mouthpiece of the PDL is Capezzone ( see post), after what he said about Berlusconi and his previous governments, I think there is any doubt facciatostaggine of this coalition.
The need for a new electoral law, I have dealt with in very difficult times (see post ) before the latest tabloid stories. Which otherwise seem to never end, although the Prosecutor's Office is investigating a case of crime against Verdini (coordinator PDL) for recycling, based on the findings of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Italy Fiorentino. This community?
Italy goes global as the country already in the imagination of cunning, and Foxelli the neighborhood we have already had too many. But do not confuse these with ordinary people tipastri. People are equal dappertuto, in Italy as in Holland, France, Germany, in Europe, America and around the world. There are rulers cunning and crafty, able to get away from surprises, thanks to blatant sources of information, confusing, for example, seven years in prison with the acquittal or prescription with the acquittal.
To understand how this policy is now corrupt and colluding with the mafia and criminal organizations, you should watch the episode of Blue Night of September 14, 2008, with the reconstruction of Lucarelli clear and detailed. In particular, the position of Andreotti and his "acquittal", where instead of ruling on the provisions stated unequivocally that Andreotti was in contact environments with mobsters at least until the early 80s.
Archbishop of Milan, has denounced the homily for the Feast of the existence of Italian politics' groups where the good of individuals is not pursued in relation to the common good. " In another passage says the risk of "looking down, only down, imprisoned and ruined as we are by our" self ": an" I "often heavily marked by individualism and selfishness, an" I "that folds back on itself tends to antithesis, to constitute a "hero" to worship and for which you are willing to sacrifice everything. " It is not the only one to launch this warning: anche Avvenire e Famiglia Cristiana condannano la situazione politica e chi la governa. Il giornale dei Paolini attacca sulla questione morale: "Disfattista è chi non rispetta le regole".
Insomma, vari corpi dello Stato e della società stanno attaccando con sempre maggiore decisione e precisione non solo il Governo ed il suo modo di porsi, ma un'intera classe dirigente, un modo di condurre la politica fuori dalla linea guida del bene comune.
Parrebbe che solo l'elettorato sia fedele a Berlusconi: lui continua ad affermare che chi è stato eletto non può essere mandato a casa dalla minoranza. Il fatto è che lui non si è ancora reso conto di essere ormai minoranza, che l'elettorato si è spostato in modo different from what he believes. I loved his polls now put him in as both PDL and as a right-wing coalition, since the Centre has adopted a physiognomy of its own axis Casini-Fini-Rutelli.
no sense in bipolarity, but proportionately because they are at least four or five (depending on alliances) formations that could contribute to forming a majority. And if, as explained well in La7 Enrico Letta, there is not a new electoral law, you risk having the majority bonus that gives 55% of the House who is arriving to collect less than 30% of the votes! This is the risk to democracy at this time.
to have a stable new government after the elections, perhaps even more than what we have today, unable to respond quickly to pressing expectations of fiscal policy and international. The careful work of disinformation that public bodies are pursuing, such as TG1 and its director, does not do justice to the facts.
E 'perhaps the time has come, and it is this, a new initiative of Liberation, which should prompt us, as voters, a new phase of restart from the bottom of the institutions, because the driver is not now Italy doing (and I speak not only of the majority) in the name of the Italian people.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Scholarships Amblyopia

Guess riddle .... How

The post today is a riddle, I will quote a few sentences dates of a character that you will have to guess. If you are not able to do so in the end you will find the solution.

20/12/2003: " Prime Minister Berlusconi has been lying for two hours on the first television network to dump on the spectators is very pleased with triumphs, miracles, success that no one now sees anywhere, apart from the Emilio Fede cute and Sandro Bondi [...] Everyone can see where we stand after two years emezzo in which Berlusconi has had a majority of 100 deputies and 50 senators in the Senate, nothing was promised diquanto then you see today, and for sovrammercato have emerged (or are being finalized) read literally Taliban .

10/06/2004: " Berlusconi has a large majority, and after thirteen or fourteen promises of lower taxes is really time to do it."

26/11/2005: "I heard that Silvio Berlusconi has been compared to Don Luigi Sturzo, but it seems to me that it is more the heir of Don Lurio. I think the voters will make an assessment on the last twelve years of political activity of the premier. The campaign on the truth we do: when he entered politics to fight the monster communist Berlusconi had 5 trillion lire in debt, now has a surplus of 29 thousand billion lire. At the bottom of this Communist regime was so evil with him. "

01/15/2006: " The first process to which Berlusconi has occurred spontaneously is to Biscardi, then got caught out and has not stopped since "

01/21/2006: " Silvio Berlusconi looks more and more like a boxer played. His arms raised to heaven last night, at the end of 'Matrix', recalled the joy a little pathetic that the boxers, while swollen from the blows received, managed to get up at the end of the 12 shots, and looking so 'to impress the jury, or otherwise ingratiate himself "

18/02/2006: "You can not , only now, suddenly 'discovered' what he chose to say and do in recent years Calderoli, and what they chose to become a certain league. Now, Berlusconi's center-right and collect what they have sown. After the insults rallies for immigrants, and southern and after the 'blitz' of Borghezio trains to 'clean up' seats are occupied by non-EU travelers, after all this, I would say that it is not 'possible, only now, to the shocked . He is playing with fire, too long glide to the League allowing dangerous. And now comes the bill, and salty painful. "

14/3/2006: " The first impression is that the big seller Berlusconi has exhausted his stock of carpets. And the small avalanche of figures doth it seemed a way of not addressing a real issue, namely the plight of the country that the Italians have under the eyes. "

04/01/2006: "Berlusconi is like Want to Marchi, Giulio Tremonti and his Mago do Nascimento. He said: 'I shall abolish the IRAP and reduced to two rates'. He did not, and instead has increased tariffs, stamp duties, taxes on diesel fuel. All things particularly odious because it also affects the weakest part of the country .

6/4/2006 " Che ora Berlusconi, in una delle sue trasformazioni e dei suoi trasformismi, voglia anche vestire i panni del ‘defensor fidei’, appare francamente patetico. Ha ragione donna Veronica: più che Caimano lui è come Zelig o Fregoli, pronto a cambiare panni a seconda degli interlocutori e delle esigenze del momento. Allora, si scaglia contro il divorzio, ed è divorziato. Difende la famiglia e ne ha due. Se non parlassimo di cose tremendamente serie, ci sarebbe da sganasciarsi dal ridere dinanzi a tanta spregiudicatezza e ipocrisia
Anche e soprattutto sulla giustizia, Berlusconi è il solito disco rotto, vittimista sempre e garantista a targhe alterne, solo quando fa comodo ”.

26/8/2006: ” Le dichiarazioni di Silvio Berlusconi contro l’immigrazione, contro l’Italia multietnica e multirazziale, sono preoccupanti e gravi. Non solo perché rischiano di spostare la Cdl su un terreno rischioso e sdrucciolevole, ma perché dimenticano che anche all’apertura sull’immigrazione gli Stati Uniti devono una parte importante della loro grandezza ”.

(fonte: archivio Ansa)

Avete indovinato chi è l'autore di queste dichiarazioni? No? Eppure è facile: DANIELE CAPEZZONE. Se non ci credete, verificate da soli! La fonte è citata.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kumar Bottomless Party Clip

deveicolarizzare town - Part Five How

Nessuna deveicolarizzata city can ever be completely without an integrated network of public transport alternative. This I believe is the key to this project is the integration between different transport options and a new conception of the city.
In this context, is of particular relevance to public transport "traditional" lines that made by means of passenger cars to electric traction. The network should be wide and complex, consider the coverage of services offered by any other means of mobility.
Further variation is given by the different needs in terms of coverage and service hours that the system must support. For example, the morning will have to take into account the amount of students who will travel to schools, as well as the commuters who have to reach the stations. Stations come under the same students who will scatter in different schools.
Remember one thing, which can be easily overlooked: in a city deveicolarizzata times of passage of public transport will be accurate to the second. In fact there will be traffic to limit or delay the movement of public transport, which are indeed the true masters of the city and mobility. Leave the house with a bicycle, leave at a bus stop and get to the school or the station can be easy and reasonably short.
This leads to develop a concept for schools specialized lines, rhythmic circular lines for the rest of the city. These regions will also connect all the major points of interest: hospital, city hall, cemeteries, railway stations, government offices, schools, barracks and prisons. In particular, the center will be completely closed to traffic and the perimeter will be served by means of a circular wire-guided. In relation to major hubs, there will be stations of departure and arrival of the circular lines. For the specialized lines for school use, there will be collection point within the city and at the stations.
This drawing to be successful, but will be accepted and understood by the people. Nothing is more difficult to combat if not in the habit, that quiet sense of security that gives the practice, recognizing the time and manner of our life as "ours."
Any attempt to change generates resistance, resistance to change. But there are things that if we do not change and we do not change, they will change us. Only in the last half century have occurred many things that if we used more intelligence resources that were coming available to us, they could generate wealth to a greater extent and for a much larger number of people.
But the arrogance and selfishness of the power we have prevented. The World that welcomes us today is not as nice and as good as could be, but as we were allowed to have. When that happens to have wins on being the best things we do for ourselves and for others, but only those that are at the distance of our senses. What I do not see, do not perceive, do not exist in space and time.
We said many times, even with the conviction that the world is not ours, but that we had borrowed from our children, and that they will have to give him intact: those who have done something seriously thinking of this phrase in its life? If he did, was not successful.
consume resources as if they were infinite, but we know that between 30/50 years many of the resources that today are the foundation of our wealth will be exhausted. "But the research and science will have found solutions to this problem." Are you sure?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Will Benzonatate 100 Get Me High

deveicolarizzare town - Part IV How

So far we have sketched the image of a city where there are no cars and trucks to travel the roads, but only bicycles, electric cars and public transport totally environmentally friendly. Only occasionally the car may enter the city and only go from home to the nearest gate, or vice versa. No private car to an internal combustion engine can run for the city.
Heavy vehicles may be moved only if authorized and properly cared for. There
un'osservazione che mi aspetto, come quando parlavamo dell'uso dell'auto privata: " ma se giro solo in bicicletta, quando piove o fa freddo mi bagno e poi mi ammalo ".
Certo, è possibile. D'altra parte, questo succede anche oggi a chi ha solo questo mezzo a disposizione. Ma è possibile fare qualcosa di innovativo per cercare di ridurre questo disagio. Come?
Coprendo alcune vie, in particolare quelle che non saranno raggiungibili da un altro tipo di mezzo pubblico. La copertura potrà essere trasparente e fatta in modo da favorire la circolazione dell'aria, al punto che, anche durante un forte temporale, non solo la struttura resterà al suo posto, ma potranno essere azionate a quel punto fans that can produce electricity. In case of rain, the water collected from the roof will be to drive another mechanism that will be able in turn produce electricity.
The roof cover can then be fitted with photovoltaic panels that can absorb solar energy and produce electricity. All the energy produced will be transferred to the means moving and, at night or when you need them, illuminate the streets with LED lamps, low-impact inquainamento bright.
All sections covered by these structures will be placed in the walls and lighting at the top, during less busy hours of the night, lighting will reduce its intensity, which can return to the normal passage of persons or vehicles for a road wide enough to ensure safety and peace of mind. All through motion sensors, suitably positioned along the entire route.
In the case of tree-lined streets, coverage will be made taking into account the space needed for their normal life and in the autumn, can be more easily recovered in the green layer of fallen leaves.
At this point, you can easily walk in your streets with pedal assisted electric bicycle: it can even be fun!
And public transportation? Let's talk about ...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Libby Solutions Accounting

deveicolarizzare the city - the third part

The mobility within the city becomes, the aim of this project, headed so the almost total light vehicles and also to a different conception of the plan viable.
I suffered this observation: the road will no longer need to be asfltato and consumed by the passage of cars and trucks, but to accept light vehicles, which consume little or deform the road. So, ultimately, reduces the need for road maintenance, reducing costs and maintaining quality as long as the fund route.
But what are these light? There are already several initiatives that can respond to this stimulus, before all the electrically assisted bicycles. I remember that these bikes can guarantee the movement almost without effort, being equipped with an electric battery and a servo motor to the wheel. In big cities there are already services bicycle rentals, bike sharing labeled. Specialized companies maintain them, provide the continuity and quality of service. Excellent
to move in this context, once completely eliminated the traditional vehicular traffic, will become the best way to reach anywhere in the city. A network of points valet means, allow access very easily to this service. Can
instead have to move in a different way, where mobility is added to the need to travel with a load, which may be the shopping bags rather than a pack or bulky and heavy objects. In this case you can use, depending on the type of necessity, small electric cars of different sizes, from small package that can carry bulky cupboard. These can be booked through a simple SMS or through a dedicated website, depending on the area where you live, they can be taken directly or can be brought home. The return of the vehicle will follow the same rules. Think
then to those who need a particular mobility, like that of an electric wheelchair: they can easily turn to secure the city. Finally a friendly city for them too!
I know some of you have a few comments and questions to ask: I will try to answer the next post. with a few more surprises ...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Make 3 D Football Helmet Cake

deveicolarizzare As the city - seconda parte

In the first part I tried to explain how the private car can be run within a town deveicolarizzata, which is the primary reason we are all subject to protest if there was a possibility.
But there is another very challenging aspect in the construction of a city deveicolarizzata: that of free movement of the goods inside. Think of it as the shops, bars, restaurants, services on a daily basis must be able to be achieved from goods and products to sell or distribute. Very high volumes in any city.
How then can do to maintain these services in a city so organized? A system exists.
is once again to exploit the concept of intermodality. In town we have two intermodal centers, one at St. Anna and one Sacconago. There the idea is to exchange the type of transport in a large enough where they can get both trucks and trains to reach their various destinations.
Now try to imagine that all the points of destination of goods which must reach the city, both on tires and iron, can be concentrated in one of these two points and from there all the goods properly directed could reach the final destination. This point will inevitably be at a rail terminal, from which the convergence of heavy vehicles on road for the interchange.
A network of electric trucks properly routed through a satellite beeper able to make these deliveries in an absolutely reliable and accurate will be able to ensure a complete and accurate. Who ordered the goods may be alerted within minutes of receiving at the point of sorting and prior warning of when it has delivered the goods at the point of final reception. In case of absence, the recipient can request to move the show a new delivery or receiving point for that load. All through an SMS message or email on your computer.
Another interesting issue may be that of construction equipment, construction trucks, excavators and the like. Obviously in the areas of construction, unless in the coming months, the technology does not provide more new vehicles able to carry out this work without resorting to internal combustion engines, it should work with these instruments. Even here, however, something can be done by optimizing the collection of land excavation or demolition debris and organizing their disposal through other than in the chests of heavy vehicles, even in containers that compact the waste and make it more cleanly, without polluting or dirty the roads.
Only in cases of extreme necessity and cargo, not destinations, will be used to the accompaniment of security, which will allow the media to come into the city, properly escorted.
An additional exemption may be implemented without special arrangements for those who need access to areas of the market as sellers central or local. Permission sarà equivalente a quello dei residenti, solo che avrà valenze temporali limitate ai giorni e alle ore di mercato.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Honeywell Rth2310 Install With Two Wires

Come deveicolarizzare la città - parte prima

Una città senza auto e camion che la attraversano, solo con mezzi ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle, mezzi che non emettono alcuna sostanza inquinante per l'ambiente), una città a misura di uomo, di pedone, di ciclista, di bambino e di anziano.
Una città dove improvvisamente le strade bastino e avanzino per la mobilità delle persone, dove andare in centro non significa passare la vita in attesa di trovare un parcheggio, dove finalmente poter trovare il proprio equilibrio psico-fisico, una città dove il rumore della strada improvvisamente sparisce e l'inquietudine of our lives disappears.
a dream? No, in my opinion. I said this yesterday, for a long time I'm working on this idea and I think it is time to expose it officially.
idea that attempts to combine technology and urban planning, even though I understand little of that and I could also make false allegations, if be wrong, correct me, someone said much more important to me.
As you can see, I've already got their hands on this is just the first part. In this post I will try to make clear the theoretical content of my project, starting from the underlying assumptions, the ones I have tried to illustrate with the first strokes of color at the beginning of the piece. But as you get to this result?
Certainly it would be illusory to think that tomorrow morning we will wake up in a town like this, maybe it will take years, decades to materialize this. But with imagination you can see a piece at a time to grow up and experience the entirety only closing his eyes.
So we move on two axes: one, the temporal, which involves the analysis of the facts to date, assuming a series of events in time, the other that of the contents of the solutions, some of which may be available or improved for our purposes perhaps thanks to the interest of industries and services who want to implement our model.
start therefore what we are. Today everyone prefers private transport, especially road, for their mobility. The result is clogged roads, especially in those which are the peak hours, when we all move to go to work, school, or to reach an interchange point, such as a railway station, airport or port, sea \u200b\u200bor lake.
This is based on two principles: the convenience and speed of service. "If I go by car, from a point and reach another point in order to become independent, I can move faster on roads safe", this probably thought of many, but the reality is quite different. When you arrive at the destination, not always possible to find public parking or pay very close, maybe a trip of a few minutes deventa forever if you start the hunt for parking, and then very expensive if you park in an improper manner. In addition, because many have the same thought, the traffic remains heavy in the big cities for most of the day, so that you can not move easily, as one would like. Arriving late is a classic, as well as the classic excuse: "I found traffic."
In this scenario it is easy to come across some additional problem: work in progress, small incidents of little but hinder the movement, events, demonstrations, marches, patrols che effettuano controlli, funerali. Di tutto, e l'evento meno ipotizzabile succede sempre quando noi abbiamo più fretta. Anche perchè abbiamo sempre fretta.
Proviamo ad immaginare come eliminare questo traffico.
Credo vi siano diversi tipi di traffico, ma per semplicità diciamo che ne esistono prevalentemente due: quello locale, che si sviluppa tutto all'interno di un bacino urbano o conurbano (la vicinanza tra le città che rende impossibile vedere il limite tra due o più città, come può essere Viale Borri alla confluenza di Busto Arsizio, Castellanza e Legnano), ed uno extraurbano, che si sviluppa su strade regionali o statali o su autostrade o strade di collegamento veloce come la 336 della Malpensa.
deveicolarizzazione Speaking of a system of urban, mostly point to investigate the first type of traffic. It 'still not certain that it is influenced by both types, since the point source or destination of a trip is still within a city. Busto Arsizio
lends itself well to this exercise, because it has a rich range of possibilities for mobility: two railway stations and a half, two railway lines, a system of public transport by road, a public transportation system suburban, two points for intermodal freight (call Hupac), the proximity of Malpensa airport and very busy highway. It 'also crossed by several roads of primary importance as the SS 33 del Sempione, the aforementioned 336 and the network of district roads which link up with them.
There is another special feature: the city has three historic centers. In addition to that we Busto Arsizio those of its sister cities, Stocks and Sacconago.
But if you ask an ordinary citizen of Busto Arsizio between 18 and 75 years, own car, if you move with public transport or alternative means of self within their own city, in most cases we would obtain a negative response.
"Walking intoxicate me, I stretch a bike, these are the most common answers that I felt to by some friends. As we know are a commuter, but the first leg of my journey from home to the station, I will do in the morning by car. So I do not want to preach to anybody, I too am part of this system.
The paper analyzes the Urban Traffic Plan recently seen in City Council gave clear indications of the number of vehicles circulating in the city, the main lines, the number of car parking available and their busy schedules: a series of data that give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow we are daily victims of ourselves.
But since struck me: the very high number of cars arriving in the city and go through it: some 13,000 per day. A number impressive. What would happen if these cars were gone? Milan, like eurpoee other cities such as London, Oslo and Copenhagen, has been experimenting for the Eco-pass time, with evaluations contrdditorie just because someone is listed as a deterrence of urban traffic, by others as an instrument of taxation not-too-hidden citizens. Live for those who pay correctly, indirect Who has to pay fines of salt.
E 'then this system? No.
In my opinion, to stop the traffic in the city is necessary to divide the traffic flowing along the primary travel routes and catch the direct one in the city, forcing it to stop before entering the urban route, unless they are residents.
How to solve the technical problem? By analyzing the map of the city, creating routes of entry (gates) required and putting toll-like systems connected to the car in transit, enabling them to continue to the city center only cars allowed. These can only move within the city to reach the owner's house and park in assigned parking space. No machine can be parked in the street, but each machine should have its own allocated parking space and identified (normal public garage or parking space).
For all other media becomes obligatory stop at parking facilities. Areas parking or silos, depending on availability resulting from adjacent areas. Upon exiting the structure, users will find a shuttle service (which works also as a city bus) with a frequency of 5 minutes, available to reach anywhere in the city. The shuttles will be electric and wire-guided, without a driver. Access will be closed reception facilities, heated in winter and cool in summer. Upon arrival of the bus, the doors of the vehicle will be displayed with those of the host structure and the transition of users from the middle of the station and vice versa will be simple and to the floor level, even for the physically handicapped.
All electricity to power the system di navette e mantenere alla giusta temperatura la struttursa sarà generata da fonti rinnovabili (solare e geotermico).
Le navette viaggeranno lungo percorsi dedicati e sicuri.
I costi? Ne parleremo alla fine. Per una volta proviamo ad immaginare un mondo a risorse infinite, come quelle della fantasia.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Ciara Wear

Una città deveicolarizzata

Anche ieri si è consumato un dramma della strada: una persona in bicicletta uccisa da un'auto. Un lutto ed un dolore che accomuna tutti, che ci interroga sul senso di queste cose, che fa sprofondare nella disperazione anche chi involontariamente si trova a rendersi responsabile di questi incidenti. Vittime innocenti di una delirante e perversa modalità di concepire la vita, modernity and progress.
As there can be real progress and respect for life today when a dozen people in our city each year are killed in traffic accidents, I wonder this too long without finding a way to do something. Also because you need to think before you do.
And then here are a couple of reflections on this issue. The first technique is almost, if two media collide, it is always the weakest to lose more. So there are more deaths among pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists and car drivers among drivers of heavy vehicles. The latter, however, are often those that randomly generates these incidents and are responsible.
It attaches great importance and relevance to speed, but personally I think it is much worse distraction and inattention to driving, as stated in an advertising campaign going on these days.
should realize that getting behind the wheel of a vehicle today is to take a very serious and sometimes even criminal liability for the consequences of its guide. And just as we are often involved in accidents not for their guidance, but for the unconscious and the distraction of others, such as those who park their vehicles in places or positions that absolutely can not be reconciled with the kind of traffic that exists in our city. But we speak now, because today there is un grave motivo e domani riprendiamo il solito stile di guida.
La seconda cosa che mi fa riflettere è invece più morale. In città opera, e credo venga universalmente riconosciuto merito ai suoi volontari (al di là di sterili polemiche politiche) il CAV, Centro Aiuto alla Vita. Esso si occupa di trovare risorse e rifugio per donne in attesa di un figlio in difficoltà, affinchè non pratichino l'aborto, non siano preda di follie assurde e vigliacche, a tutela loro e del bimbo nascente. Perchè faccio questo riferimento? Perchè sento la necessità di avere un identico ente o associazione che si proponga di salvare la vita a tutti coloro che viaggiano sulle strade della nostra città.
Come? Forse it is premature to further develop it, would a more detailed study, detailed and professional, but I would have an idea. Before you expose it, though, I do tell you something else, although I know some will say that they are boring as we have spent a town of Busto Arsizio surprising amount to process, after fifteen years, the Urban Traffic Plan (PUT) and valid analysis, but absolutely useless and readjusted because inefficce implementation in key policy, seeking to safeguard the interests of the shop rather than solve the real problems of city traffic.
So wrong. It would be yet another reason why citizens should wake up from Busto Arsizio political lethargy that gripped them to understand how things actually are.
Then, picking up this assertion PUT, I believe that our city and for the extension of territory (about 30 square kilometers) that the number of population (over 80,000) may be a good test for come to the realization of deveicolarizzata city. " 'S an idea that I have for some time, and that you are composing laboriously piece by piece, seeing how the individual pieces in a puzzle fell into place and form of the final idea.
Here I just want to announce it will probably take several posts to be able to show it all clearly, but the basic concept is that the relationship does not necessarily life expectancy between the person and the city should pass through private means par excellence, the car.
Therefore, should remain outside the city all the heavy vehicles passing through, for whatever reason. Impossible? This word does not exist, just us men not to believe in our chances and be slaves to our habits.
is why we have so many failures: why judge before they have understood and experienced.
My goal is to save life or disability, or even a slight injury to hundreds of people of my city every year. If I had not this demand, there will always be those who continue to think that the next that something serious will happen to another, whereas the "next" it is by him.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Penis Electro Song

Quattro tesi sulla situazione politica

At this time it is consuming one of the most important acts for the fate of this term. Perhaps tonight we will know soon if you are going to vote or if you begin the slow agony of a government no longer able to express their action in a clear and convincing. Assuming that there has ever succeeded.
All this happens in a political landscape and alluncinante allucianto, almost everyone had taken a massive drug called Power. This does not therefore fully understand how what is happening is the result of a conscious and logical design, how much is improvisation and stress. All this behind the Italians.
Despite this necessary premise, four arguments are clear to me and under the eyes of all those who want to see, and I'm going to list them:
1. Berlusconi is no longer the master of the Italian political situation;
2. E 'over the bipolar and bipartisanship;
3. It is important that any decision is taken on the next act of political change the electoral law;
4. And 'that the government must return soon be able to bring the country out of the current dry and take decisive action on financial matters.
And now look at the contenuto di queste affermazioni.
Berlusconi, nel bene e nel male, per quindici anni ha dettato i tempi della politica italiana ed i suoi scenari in modo talvolta clownesco, spesso spavaldo ed arrogante, ma sempre riuscendo a colpire ed entusiasmare il suo elettorato, fatto anche di persone semplici che volevano avere la possibilità di credere che forse qualcuno sarebbe stato davvero in grado di cambiare la vita e le abitudini di un Paese sempre più rassegnato.
Ma anche per i più grandi (ed il nostro Silvio grande non è nè per statura fisica nè politica, almeno per me), viene il momento della verità, dove si deve dimostrare di essere e non di sembrare. Quel "Ghe pensi mi" pronunciato in modo ieratico, almost prophetic, of the savior of the country, resonates in the ears of many hours as a kind of epitaph character Berlusconi.
In fact, by that time (but perhaps the stage was already under way for some time, I think from before the statue of the Cathedral of Milan, in all honesty, I found it a fabrication) has started to see that the strength of the structure crackled around him, that his character "Invincible" (but lost twice in elections against Prodi!) was not that much, so much so that even his most loyal collaborators have begun to falter. Fini is too smart to be there to say things by accident. He has prepared for this moment with others for some time.
Casini, Fini and Williams will attend for months, years, their alliance is not too "secret", only that people often read the newspapers that does not store, not process, just look certainties to their thoughts and in so doing is reassuring. Fools!
The worst thing is that Berlusconi is no longer the master of either party. The company was the party-is over. By the way, you know the true meaning of PDL? Workplace. Just count how many of the PDL and parliamentary institutions are or were employees of the Knight (which boasts the title without having acquired the characteristics). Dozens and dozens. Your doctor, accountant, lawyer and other executives of Fininvest. And what fa un lavoratore dipendente quando la ditta scricchiola? Se ne va prima che la baracca affondi. Almeno i più svegli, gli altri non sopravvivono.
Questa è la ragione della seconda tesi. Non è tanto la nascita (o più precisamente, il battesimo) del terzo Polo, quanto piuttosto il ritorno alla trattativa politica, agli accordi espliciti, e non sottobanco come sono avvenuti negli ultimi anni, a sostegno di alleanze mai consolidate. I partiti non nascono nè da collanti ideologici nè da predellini automobilistici. La Politica è ben altra cosa.
Altri "movimenti" stanno per tornare sulla scena politica, magari sotto altre sigle, ma ben pronti a riprendere foga con volgare eloquenza: temo che ci toccherà go to hear sermons and anecdotes, political squabbles and prophecies of any real value, if not to win that one percent that can govern. That's why I have always been a proponent of proportional electoral system with the barrier "high", from 5% up, and a system of alliances and armored declared on the program, not the elected. Only this can give some assurance to the voter, in addition to the return of preferential voting. This is a summary of the third argument: the electoral law is not to lose more time, because the next time we have to change not only government but a way of governing . We must termianre this madness: to win the elections and then be unable to govern a country that needs to be revamped and reformed.
Renovated agriculture policies in the class of the Right and Left, as well as the Centre. Solons Some still wander among the benches of Parliament and the Government were already at the time of the First Republic, they failed then and continue to fail now.
The protest vote has never changed anything in the long run. The League has become the governing party, but failed to fulfill even one of the goals it was given more than twenty years ago. In fact, she has become part of this political mechanism twisted and perverse, that now we make war between North and South even more than in the fifties and sixties, no longer calling Southerners who came to the North in search of work, but if we lose even the unity of Italy that allows the North to survive. And for this we need to go back to argue.
govern the public finances will be the great challenge of the next government. Now I say next because the current one no longer exists. In fact. Although the numbers and the practice will continue to say that it is not. But if Tremonti Bersani arrives to propose to lead the next phase of transition, it means that without wanting to raise the tone alarm level, the issue will become even financial condition for the survival of the nation.
No employment is only the question, the tear FIAT contract that seeks to impose a certain union appeasement to talk about it, a restart industrial looks so still too shy and do not adequately supported by istutizioni, there are hundreds of billion of Treasury bonds maturing in September that could shake our economic and financial balance. Much will depend on that and a crisis in the dark with no chance to revive an action that makes it interesting our titles, without kneeling with interest, is a must. Otherwise we can only follow the Greek in economic containment measures that could send the series B of the world.
In the past we have reached these limits, in 1992 we thought Amato, Prodi in 1998 and thought about what people might have hated those measures, to them we owe our present standard of living. Failure to act could be disastrous.
These are my four theses on the framework of today's situation. Council to any person in a few time to check if what I write now will be reflected in the future. Could be an interesting exercise.
But before concluding, let me say one last thing, who wants to be a little 'container of all these ideas: Berlusconi has used in recent weeks, the term "enemy" to talk to adversaries and even allies (Fini and his). I think this is proof that you have crossed the line. If the head of government uses terms of this content without someone try disgust, who must do without that information does not adequately emphasize in this nefarious concept, meaning that they have anesthetized our receivers so well thought that I could not even understand the devastating effect of a sentence like this .
policy as a service, the political expression of charity, the policy instrument of the growth of democracy and the human person, all these statements, which are drawn from teaching for decades of democracy, are swept away at once if we define "enemy" who is there political opponent.
means radically hostile enemy, and against someone determined to hurt him: how possible that if the intention is to serve the State and the People? Enemy could be the NAR, the Red Brigades, all the gangs, but not those who openly confronts the public debate.
This is not worthy of who should lead a free and democratic country.