Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Penis Electro Song

Quattro tesi sulla situazione politica

At this time it is consuming one of the most important acts for the fate of this term. Perhaps tonight we will know soon if you are going to vote or if you begin the slow agony of a government no longer able to express their action in a clear and convincing. Assuming that there has ever succeeded.
All this happens in a political landscape and alluncinante allucianto, almost everyone had taken a massive drug called Power. This does not therefore fully understand how what is happening is the result of a conscious and logical design, how much is improvisation and stress. All this behind the Italians.
Despite this necessary premise, four arguments are clear to me and under the eyes of all those who want to see, and I'm going to list them:
1. Berlusconi is no longer the master of the Italian political situation;
2. E 'over the bipolar and bipartisanship;
3. It is important that any decision is taken on the next act of political change the electoral law;
4. And 'that the government must return soon be able to bring the country out of the current dry and take decisive action on financial matters.
And now look at the contenuto di queste affermazioni.
Berlusconi, nel bene e nel male, per quindici anni ha dettato i tempi della politica italiana ed i suoi scenari in modo talvolta clownesco, spesso spavaldo ed arrogante, ma sempre riuscendo a colpire ed entusiasmare il suo elettorato, fatto anche di persone semplici che volevano avere la possibilità di credere che forse qualcuno sarebbe stato davvero in grado di cambiare la vita e le abitudini di un Paese sempre più rassegnato.
Ma anche per i più grandi (ed il nostro Silvio grande non è nè per statura fisica nè politica, almeno per me), viene il momento della verità, dove si deve dimostrare di essere e non di sembrare. Quel "Ghe pensi mi" pronunciato in modo ieratico, almost prophetic, of the savior of the country, resonates in the ears of many hours as a kind of epitaph character Berlusconi.
In fact, by that time (but perhaps the stage was already under way for some time, I think from before the statue of the Cathedral of Milan, in all honesty, I found it a fabrication) has started to see that the strength of the structure crackled around him, that his character "Invincible" (but lost twice in elections against Prodi!) was not that much, so much so that even his most loyal collaborators have begun to falter. Fini is too smart to be there to say things by accident. He has prepared for this moment with others for some time.
Casini, Fini and Williams will attend for months, years, their alliance is not too "secret", only that people often read the newspapers that does not store, not process, just look certainties to their thoughts and in so doing is reassuring. Fools!
The worst thing is that Berlusconi is no longer the master of either party. The company was the party-is over. By the way, you know the true meaning of PDL? Workplace. Just count how many of the PDL and parliamentary institutions are or were employees of the Knight (which boasts the title without having acquired the characteristics). Dozens and dozens. Your doctor, accountant, lawyer and other executives of Fininvest. And what fa un lavoratore dipendente quando la ditta scricchiola? Se ne va prima che la baracca affondi. Almeno i più svegli, gli altri non sopravvivono.
Questa è la ragione della seconda tesi. Non è tanto la nascita (o più precisamente, il battesimo) del terzo Polo, quanto piuttosto il ritorno alla trattativa politica, agli accordi espliciti, e non sottobanco come sono avvenuti negli ultimi anni, a sostegno di alleanze mai consolidate. I partiti non nascono nè da collanti ideologici nè da predellini automobilistici. La Politica è ben altra cosa.
Altri "movimenti" stanno per tornare sulla scena politica, magari sotto altre sigle, ma ben pronti a riprendere foga con volgare eloquenza: temo che ci toccherà go to hear sermons and anecdotes, political squabbles and prophecies of any real value, if not to win that one percent that can govern. That's why I have always been a proponent of proportional electoral system with the barrier "high", from 5% up, and a system of alliances and armored declared on the program, not the elected. Only this can give some assurance to the voter, in addition to the return of preferential voting. This is a summary of the third argument: the electoral law is not to lose more time, because the next time we have to change not only government but a way of governing . We must termianre this madness: to win the elections and then be unable to govern a country that needs to be revamped and reformed.
Renovated agriculture policies in the class of the Right and Left, as well as the Centre. Solons Some still wander among the benches of Parliament and the Government were already at the time of the First Republic, they failed then and continue to fail now.
The protest vote has never changed anything in the long run. The League has become the governing party, but failed to fulfill even one of the goals it was given more than twenty years ago. In fact, she has become part of this political mechanism twisted and perverse, that now we make war between North and South even more than in the fifties and sixties, no longer calling Southerners who came to the North in search of work, but if we lose even the unity of Italy that allows the North to survive. And for this we need to go back to argue.
govern the public finances will be the great challenge of the next government. Now I say next because the current one no longer exists. In fact. Although the numbers and the practice will continue to say that it is not. But if Tremonti Bersani arrives to propose to lead the next phase of transition, it means that without wanting to raise the tone alarm level, the issue will become even financial condition for the survival of the nation.
No employment is only the question, the tear FIAT contract that seeks to impose a certain union appeasement to talk about it, a restart industrial looks so still too shy and do not adequately supported by istutizioni, there are hundreds of billion of Treasury bonds maturing in September that could shake our economic and financial balance. Much will depend on that and a crisis in the dark with no chance to revive an action that makes it interesting our titles, without kneeling with interest, is a must. Otherwise we can only follow the Greek in economic containment measures that could send the series B of the world.
In the past we have reached these limits, in 1992 we thought Amato, Prodi in 1998 and thought about what people might have hated those measures, to them we owe our present standard of living. Failure to act could be disastrous.
These are my four theses on the framework of today's situation. Council to any person in a few time to check if what I write now will be reflected in the future. Could be an interesting exercise.
But before concluding, let me say one last thing, who wants to be a little 'container of all these ideas: Berlusconi has used in recent weeks, the term "enemy" to talk to adversaries and even allies (Fini and his). I think this is proof that you have crossed the line. If the head of government uses terms of this content without someone try disgust, who must do without that information does not adequately emphasize in this nefarious concept, meaning that they have anesthetized our receivers so well thought that I could not even understand the devastating effect of a sentence like this .
policy as a service, the political expression of charity, the policy instrument of the growth of democracy and the human person, all these statements, which are drawn from teaching for decades of democracy, are swept away at once if we define "enemy" who is there political opponent.
means radically hostile enemy, and against someone determined to hurt him: how possible that if the intention is to serve the State and the People? Enemy could be the NAR, the Red Brigades, all the gangs, but not those who openly confronts the public debate.
This is not worthy of who should lead a free and democratic country.


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