Friday, August 6, 2010

Honeywell Rth2310 Install With Two Wires

Come deveicolarizzare la città - parte prima

Una città senza auto e camion che la attraversano, solo con mezzi ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle, mezzi che non emettono alcuna sostanza inquinante per l'ambiente), una città a misura di uomo, di pedone, di ciclista, di bambino e di anziano.
Una città dove improvvisamente le strade bastino e avanzino per la mobilità delle persone, dove andare in centro non significa passare la vita in attesa di trovare un parcheggio, dove finalmente poter trovare il proprio equilibrio psico-fisico, una città dove il rumore della strada improvvisamente sparisce e l'inquietudine of our lives disappears.
a dream? No, in my opinion. I said this yesterday, for a long time I'm working on this idea and I think it is time to expose it officially.
idea that attempts to combine technology and urban planning, even though I understand little of that and I could also make false allegations, if be wrong, correct me, someone said much more important to me.
As you can see, I've already got their hands on this is just the first part. In this post I will try to make clear the theoretical content of my project, starting from the underlying assumptions, the ones I have tried to illustrate with the first strokes of color at the beginning of the piece. But as you get to this result?
Certainly it would be illusory to think that tomorrow morning we will wake up in a town like this, maybe it will take years, decades to materialize this. But with imagination you can see a piece at a time to grow up and experience the entirety only closing his eyes.
So we move on two axes: one, the temporal, which involves the analysis of the facts to date, assuming a series of events in time, the other that of the contents of the solutions, some of which may be available or improved for our purposes perhaps thanks to the interest of industries and services who want to implement our model.
start therefore what we are. Today everyone prefers private transport, especially road, for their mobility. The result is clogged roads, especially in those which are the peak hours, when we all move to go to work, school, or to reach an interchange point, such as a railway station, airport or port, sea \u200b\u200bor lake.
This is based on two principles: the convenience and speed of service. "If I go by car, from a point and reach another point in order to become independent, I can move faster on roads safe", this probably thought of many, but the reality is quite different. When you arrive at the destination, not always possible to find public parking or pay very close, maybe a trip of a few minutes deventa forever if you start the hunt for parking, and then very expensive if you park in an improper manner. In addition, because many have the same thought, the traffic remains heavy in the big cities for most of the day, so that you can not move easily, as one would like. Arriving late is a classic, as well as the classic excuse: "I found traffic."
In this scenario it is easy to come across some additional problem: work in progress, small incidents of little but hinder the movement, events, demonstrations, marches, patrols che effettuano controlli, funerali. Di tutto, e l'evento meno ipotizzabile succede sempre quando noi abbiamo più fretta. Anche perchè abbiamo sempre fretta.
Proviamo ad immaginare come eliminare questo traffico.
Credo vi siano diversi tipi di traffico, ma per semplicità diciamo che ne esistono prevalentemente due: quello locale, che si sviluppa tutto all'interno di un bacino urbano o conurbano (la vicinanza tra le città che rende impossibile vedere il limite tra due o più città, come può essere Viale Borri alla confluenza di Busto Arsizio, Castellanza e Legnano), ed uno extraurbano, che si sviluppa su strade regionali o statali o su autostrade o strade di collegamento veloce come la 336 della Malpensa.
deveicolarizzazione Speaking of a system of urban, mostly point to investigate the first type of traffic. It 'still not certain that it is influenced by both types, since the point source or destination of a trip is still within a city. Busto Arsizio
lends itself well to this exercise, because it has a rich range of possibilities for mobility: two railway stations and a half, two railway lines, a system of public transport by road, a public transportation system suburban, two points for intermodal freight (call Hupac), the proximity of Malpensa airport and very busy highway. It 'also crossed by several roads of primary importance as the SS 33 del Sempione, the aforementioned 336 and the network of district roads which link up with them.
There is another special feature: the city has three historic centers. In addition to that we Busto Arsizio those of its sister cities, Stocks and Sacconago.
But if you ask an ordinary citizen of Busto Arsizio between 18 and 75 years, own car, if you move with public transport or alternative means of self within their own city, in most cases we would obtain a negative response.
"Walking intoxicate me, I stretch a bike, these are the most common answers that I felt to by some friends. As we know are a commuter, but the first leg of my journey from home to the station, I will do in the morning by car. So I do not want to preach to anybody, I too am part of this system.
The paper analyzes the Urban Traffic Plan recently seen in City Council gave clear indications of the number of vehicles circulating in the city, the main lines, the number of car parking available and their busy schedules: a series of data that give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow we are daily victims of ourselves.
But since struck me: the very high number of cars arriving in the city and go through it: some 13,000 per day. A number impressive. What would happen if these cars were gone? Milan, like eurpoee other cities such as London, Oslo and Copenhagen, has been experimenting for the Eco-pass time, with evaluations contrdditorie just because someone is listed as a deterrence of urban traffic, by others as an instrument of taxation not-too-hidden citizens. Live for those who pay correctly, indirect Who has to pay fines of salt.
E 'then this system? No.
In my opinion, to stop the traffic in the city is necessary to divide the traffic flowing along the primary travel routes and catch the direct one in the city, forcing it to stop before entering the urban route, unless they are residents.
How to solve the technical problem? By analyzing the map of the city, creating routes of entry (gates) required and putting toll-like systems connected to the car in transit, enabling them to continue to the city center only cars allowed. These can only move within the city to reach the owner's house and park in assigned parking space. No machine can be parked in the street, but each machine should have its own allocated parking space and identified (normal public garage or parking space).
For all other media becomes obligatory stop at parking facilities. Areas parking or silos, depending on availability resulting from adjacent areas. Upon exiting the structure, users will find a shuttle service (which works also as a city bus) with a frequency of 5 minutes, available to reach anywhere in the city. The shuttles will be electric and wire-guided, without a driver. Access will be closed reception facilities, heated in winter and cool in summer. Upon arrival of the bus, the doors of the vehicle will be displayed with those of the host structure and the transition of users from the middle of the station and vice versa will be simple and to the floor level, even for the physically handicapped.
All electricity to power the system di navette e mantenere alla giusta temperatura la struttursa sarà generata da fonti rinnovabili (solare e geotermico).
Le navette viaggeranno lungo percorsi dedicati e sicuri.
I costi? Ne parleremo alla fine. Per una volta proviamo ad immaginare un mondo a risorse infinite, come quelle della fantasia.


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