Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Charriol Rings Philippines

The strike by commuters

In recent days there has been much talk in the press of commuters, in particular for two reasons: the delays that have accumulated during this time of trains on most routes and the announced increase in public transport fares, including the rail.
too many times I have been interviewed as a spokesperson for commuters in Busto Arsizio and I did not fail to hear the opinion of many people who, like me, they see many shadows and few lights at this time.
Increasing rates just because the government is not pouring most contributions to the regions that should be for public transport does not seem fair. Commuters in Milan are about 800,000 and of these 60% are workers, nearly all employees, the first state taxpayers.
We paid the last penny of taxes owed, then we are entitled to receive the services for which the state tax there, also, as we prefer public transport instead of private (cars, so to speak), we should be rewarded and no further "harassed". Beautiful demonstration of fiscal federalism ...
This is not fair taxation, indeed it is not justice.
Moreover, tariffs should be proportional to three service components: frequency, saturation of the seats and punctuality. All routes leading to Lombardy Milan are largely lacking, in the hours commuters, these three ingredients. The result
is that you are traveling by foot, uncomfortable and crowded, almost always late and after waiting for a train for about ten minutes after the passage of the previous one, which perhaps has been lost by a whisker.
Who governs Lombardy, rich and active area in the north, we face a trip to Europe on Swiss Railway trains, French or German and realize the level of service of these countries. To do so and then we think about before you apply increases in rates that may be lodged in comparison to these parameters.
There are no excuses or reasons that support this thesis. Imagine if all the commuter railways Lombard should one day decide to go to work by car, in a sort of strike by commuters. You presente cosa succederebbe? La paralisi totale del traffico automobilistico in buona parte della Lombardia, questo succederebbe, con un danno economico enorme, sia in termini di perdita di giorni di lavoro che di costi per mancata produzione e distribuzione di beni e servizi.
Questo sarebbe un danno economico ben più grave di qualsiasi mancato introito per il mancato aumento delle tariffe già programmato. Se ne ricordino i nostri amministratori pubblici.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whiplash Hard To Swollow

of Italy "to" accented

Oggi si celebrano i 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia, con il Presidente Napolitano a Reggio Emilia. Una celebrazione fortemente voluta in sede istituzionale, ma che rischia di passare in modo anonimo sulle nostre questioni quotidiane, sul nostro indaffatati be in so many little things that we consistently greater value and interest to what we actually do.
not forget the hundreds of thousands, the millions of our countrymen in this century and a half have been fighting for independence and the dignity of this nation in wars DETACHED, in inglorious colonial wars, but especially in the interwar world and in the partisan struggle for the reconquest of freedom. Even the fallen
latest from Nasiriyah Afghanistan deserve respect and memory, even if the reasons for which we are present in those places have little to do with the value of the struggles mentioned above. Freedom, truth and dignity; three words with "t" stressed that should stir the conscience of everyone, irrespective of their political, religious beliefs or social status where you are.
yet, how undignified it is our daily life recently! All this has a very simple explanation: as they say in Naples, 'or' fish fete to 'head. " Here the reference to Mr Berlusconi is a must.
have been written by now torrents of words, tens or perhaps hundreds of books about him, mostly to illustrate the misdeeds and the evil thought, but still enjoys a good credibility, although in rapid decline. In any event, however, has so far been able to pull out of the hat to the surprise hit when you least expect it, and this has magnified the value. Yet Mr.
"Ghe think I" failed on all fronts, lost in a couple of years that had all the advantage on the opposition and has retained a majority in this legislature only money shots, passing the system government by democratic (power of the people expressed through their elected representatives) to plutocratic (power of money that buys the consent, even if the store can be even more difficult).
In this way we have betrayed the freedom, truth and dignity, and we also compromise the honesty of a people and nation. Already Dante Alighieri, almost 700 years ago, sang in his Divine Comedy Purgatory of the state of our country with a clear foresight, "servile Italy, grief's hostelry ship without a helmsman in a mighty storm, a woman not of provinces but brothel!"
Women undoubtedly used by Berlusconi, first for his own pleasure and then to destroy the institutions. Veline put to Parliament, in government or take money in the Regional Councils, the backs of citizens who are struggling to pull the end of the month. For goodness sake, there are also the children ignorant of Ministers, which is much doubt that even the minister is.
And having mastered that Benigni Dante, one wonders whether to put a new poet misunderstood the Ministry of Culture is not a move unintentionally witty and in line with the basic choices: to make it so difficult to govern Italy and rehabilitate this poor who will, sooner or later force the footsteps of such a destructive, so that's actually going to be guaranteed impunity. And somehow we are already seeing this senseless crime, with the request made by Rino Formica and others to give immunity to Berlusconi to propose it as a Senator for life. Promuoveatur ut admoveatur: promuoviamolo to remove the bales.
How sad to recall the unification of Italy under these conditions. Naples now, more than fetere for fish heads, fete for the thousands of tons of waste that besiege, proving once again that all government policy is based on statements stereotyped and restricted rather than on facts.
few laws and many holidays to Parliament in 2010. Yet almost two billion Euros spent only for the maintenance of both houses of parliament. When democracy is not likely to be shared, participatory worse than other forms of government. It is not the absence of a minority leader who undermines the possibility of changing the government, but the fact that there is in the minority who would be ready to jump on the bandwagon tomorrow quail to mount the government and maintain their privileges. Freedom, Dignity, Truth, Reality, Honesty, Humility: a total lack of humility. This is the land enables the virus to spread to the bone of the arrogance of the Republic, to involve the basis of democracy in a frenzy of optimism that there is not, in fact, no trace.
There is no sign of optimism in my thinking because I have no reason to believe that there may be. I do not see passion and enthusiasm in society, I see just false truth built by journalists and marketing people who deceive the people with the exclusive use of the media. I see the point of exhaustion and despair of many men and women who engage in community services, teaching, health, justice, security, public use, every day any time, sacrifice and selflessness, and to which even the right is taken away the pride of their work, compared to that of beggars and Mangiapane to treason.
Poor Italy, the Minister who use public property and their office for personal satisfaction, who feel above the law, making false company and then accuse others of them ill-informed. Could not ask first?
amateurs that aim to improve their image instead of only caring about the public good and national security. Why should I be optimistic?
But I will be optimistic, to bear witness to my children and all those who hope for a better future che questo è possibile. Certo, occorre cambiare un po' le proprie convinzioni, occorre fare un po' di pulizia, occorre non credere più in quello che ci viene detto, ma solo in quello che viene fatto, occorre iniziare a fare in prima persona senza aspettarsi che qualcun altro ce ne renda merito.
Occorre dare il giusto peso alle cose e non aspettarsi di passare solo da facili scorciatoie, occorre non lasciare solo chi soffre o ha meno perchè senza solidarietà non c'è futuro, a cominciare da ciò che vediamo intorno a noi. Occorre pensare che abbiamo bisogno di tutti per fare l'Italia di domani e che la nuova Unità nasce da diverse culture e non solo da diversi territori. Occorre rinnegare il "pensiero breve", speculativo, che abbiamo avuto come orizzonte politico in questi ultimi 15 anni, occorre vincere la "teoria della paura", che può e deve finire, in questa nuova Unità perchè l'Italia è fatta dalle persone che vogliono che questo Paese sia forte, saldo e fiero e che lavorano per questo, non già per il Paese dei Balocchi costruito negli ultimi anni da un novello Mangiafuoco.
Viva la nuova Unità d'Italia, quindi, costruita sulle "a" accentate.

Monday, January 3, 2011

427 Ss Silverado Concept

Greetings, Bust! Open Letter to

Tre di gennaio, primo giorno lavorativo. Sarebbe l'occasione giusta per augurare buon 2011 a tutti. E gli auguri li faccio volentieri. Peccato che in questo momento avremmo bisogno di ben altro che degli auguri.
Chi ha avuto modo to hear or read comments homily by Monsignor Agnesi, observations in public life in the city of Busto Arsizio (extendable perlatro a bit 'whole of Italian society) are gentle in tone but sharp contents.
Keep the hope, that the basic message, but as a driver must have a new mentality, greater attention to the needs of people, a careful evaluation of the available resources with a more equitable redistribution.
There is one fact: if the Church is once a year for the voice of the city, for the rest of the year you only hear the official voice of the power that affirms its truth. Things that cash is what you do, not those who say they do.
The many problems of the city are often understated, deliberately ignored, delays, failures, failures are often the fault of the case or who has preceded. Yeah, but those who have preceded this administration?
Who brought you here before the Court of Auditors, who has preceded has emptied the coffers of the town acquiring loans to build monuments to their grandeur.
But the city's needs were different. For example, for years the administration has taken an attitude at least "neutral" toward industrial development, particularly in respect of some companies that have asked to have scope for developing entrepreneurship in this area. How can you be so insensitive, unaware that maintaining a good employment rate is the basis for overcoming the crisis, which alone selects companies healthy than sick?
're right, my lord: If you lose hope, we can all go home. Strangely, the city still thinks you are at a higher level to their means. No, we're not anymore. Only the wealth accumulated in recent years now makes it possible to think that he still has economic strength.
But we know that finance is not the economy. And that finance is not widespread wealth.
Busto also reflected on these things.