Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Charriol Rings Philippines

The strike by commuters

In recent days there has been much talk in the press of commuters, in particular for two reasons: the delays that have accumulated during this time of trains on most routes and the announced increase in public transport fares, including the rail.
too many times I have been interviewed as a spokesperson for commuters in Busto Arsizio and I did not fail to hear the opinion of many people who, like me, they see many shadows and few lights at this time.
Increasing rates just because the government is not pouring most contributions to the regions that should be for public transport does not seem fair. Commuters in Milan are about 800,000 and of these 60% are workers, nearly all employees, the first state taxpayers.
We paid the last penny of taxes owed, then we are entitled to receive the services for which the state tax there, also, as we prefer public transport instead of private (cars, so to speak), we should be rewarded and no further "harassed". Beautiful demonstration of fiscal federalism ...
This is not fair taxation, indeed it is not justice.
Moreover, tariffs should be proportional to three service components: frequency, saturation of the seats and punctuality. All routes leading to Lombardy Milan are largely lacking, in the hours commuters, these three ingredients. The result
is that you are traveling by foot, uncomfortable and crowded, almost always late and after waiting for a train for about ten minutes after the passage of the previous one, which perhaps has been lost by a whisker.
Who governs Lombardy, rich and active area in the north, we face a trip to Europe on Swiss Railway trains, French or German and realize the level of service of these countries. To do so and then we think about before you apply increases in rates that may be lodged in comparison to these parameters.
There are no excuses or reasons that support this thesis. Imagine if all the commuter railways Lombard should one day decide to go to work by car, in a sort of strike by commuters. You presente cosa succederebbe? La paralisi totale del traffico automobilistico in buona parte della Lombardia, questo succederebbe, con un danno economico enorme, sia in termini di perdita di giorni di lavoro che di costi per mancata produzione e distribuzione di beni e servizi.
Questo sarebbe un danno economico ben più grave di qualsiasi mancato introito per il mancato aumento delle tariffe già programmato. Se ne ricordino i nostri amministratori pubblici.


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