Thursday, August 5, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Ciara Wear

Una città deveicolarizzata

Anche ieri si è consumato un dramma della strada: una persona in bicicletta uccisa da un'auto. Un lutto ed un dolore che accomuna tutti, che ci interroga sul senso di queste cose, che fa sprofondare nella disperazione anche chi involontariamente si trova a rendersi responsabile di questi incidenti. Vittime innocenti di una delirante e perversa modalità di concepire la vita, modernity and progress.
As there can be real progress and respect for life today when a dozen people in our city each year are killed in traffic accidents, I wonder this too long without finding a way to do something. Also because you need to think before you do.
And then here are a couple of reflections on this issue. The first technique is almost, if two media collide, it is always the weakest to lose more. So there are more deaths among pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists and car drivers among drivers of heavy vehicles. The latter, however, are often those that randomly generates these incidents and are responsible.
It attaches great importance and relevance to speed, but personally I think it is much worse distraction and inattention to driving, as stated in an advertising campaign going on these days.
should realize that getting behind the wheel of a vehicle today is to take a very serious and sometimes even criminal liability for the consequences of its guide. And just as we are often involved in accidents not for their guidance, but for the unconscious and the distraction of others, such as those who park their vehicles in places or positions that absolutely can not be reconciled with the kind of traffic that exists in our city. But we speak now, because today there is un grave motivo e domani riprendiamo il solito stile di guida.
La seconda cosa che mi fa riflettere è invece più morale. In città opera, e credo venga universalmente riconosciuto merito ai suoi volontari (al di là di sterili polemiche politiche) il CAV, Centro Aiuto alla Vita. Esso si occupa di trovare risorse e rifugio per donne in attesa di un figlio in difficoltà, affinchè non pratichino l'aborto, non siano preda di follie assurde e vigliacche, a tutela loro e del bimbo nascente. Perchè faccio questo riferimento? Perchè sento la necessità di avere un identico ente o associazione che si proponga di salvare la vita a tutti coloro che viaggiano sulle strade della nostra città.
Come? Forse it is premature to further develop it, would a more detailed study, detailed and professional, but I would have an idea. Before you expose it, though, I do tell you something else, although I know some will say that they are boring as we have spent a town of Busto Arsizio surprising amount to process, after fifteen years, the Urban Traffic Plan (PUT) and valid analysis, but absolutely useless and readjusted because inefficce implementation in key policy, seeking to safeguard the interests of the shop rather than solve the real problems of city traffic.
So wrong. It would be yet another reason why citizens should wake up from Busto Arsizio political lethargy that gripped them to understand how things actually are.
Then, picking up this assertion PUT, I believe that our city and for the extension of territory (about 30 square kilometers) that the number of population (over 80,000) may be a good test for come to the realization of deveicolarizzata city. " 'S an idea that I have for some time, and that you are composing laboriously piece by piece, seeing how the individual pieces in a puzzle fell into place and form of the final idea.
Here I just want to announce it will probably take several posts to be able to show it all clearly, but the basic concept is that the relationship does not necessarily life expectancy between the person and the city should pass through private means par excellence, the car.
Therefore, should remain outside the city all the heavy vehicles passing through, for whatever reason. Impossible? This word does not exist, just us men not to believe in our chances and be slaves to our habits.
is why we have so many failures: why judge before they have understood and experienced.
My goal is to save life or disability, or even a slight injury to hundreds of people of my city every year. If I had not this demand, there will always be those who continue to think that the next that something serious will happen to another, whereas the "next" it is by him.


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