Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2007 Honda Pilot Audio Ipod Connection

In the name of the Italian people

We are experiencing a particularly delicate moment historical and political life of our country. Never happened in the recent history of the Republic, who lived a political climate so hot and controversial, plus a summer so hot then, at least in the North, certainly not.
The controversy is, as usual, between those at the institutional causes, with nothing to calm tones and statements beyond the permissible, the cautious and measured response than others, and attack it with your other items, a sort of "pincer effect".
E 'if the person asserting the need to go to elections right away, without checking the situation of political governance of the country, as it indicates the practice. And forget the content of the article 88 della Costituzione: "Il Presidente della Repubblica può, sentiti i loro Presidenti, sciogliere le Camere o anche una sola di esse". Solo il Presidente della Repubblica ha questo potere, non i partiti politici o i loro portavoce.
E sempre la Costituzione, all'art.92 comma 2, afferma:"Il Presidente della Repubblica nomina il Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri e, su proposta di questo, i ministri". Quindi chi afferma che solo Berlusconi è legittimato a governare, è in errore. Chiunque abbia una maggioranza parlamentare può dare indicazione sul nome Presidente del Consiglio.
Inoltre, chi afferma che siamo in un ordinamento maggioritario, è smentito dai fatti: avete provato a contare quanti partiti are represented in Parliament today? And how many currents within the parties themselves? Just to not be vague, we have: PD, Italy of Values, UDC, PDL, Lega Nord, MPA SVP, the "Finian, the Christian Democrats for Making Round, the Liberal Democrats Dini, the Popular Liberals and Giovanardi surely I have forgotten anyone.
This complexity is also confirmed by the number of ministers (24) that make up this government, just two fewer than last Prodi and was harshly criticized for this. On the other hand, if the mouthpiece of the PDL is Capezzone ( see post), after what he said about Berlusconi and his previous governments, I think there is any doubt facciatostaggine of this coalition.
The need for a new electoral law, I have dealt with in very difficult times (see post ) before the latest tabloid stories. Which otherwise seem to never end, although the Prosecutor's Office is investigating a case of crime against Verdini (coordinator PDL) for recycling, based on the findings of the Cooperative Credit Bank of Italy Fiorentino. This community?
Italy goes global as the country already in the imagination of cunning, and Foxelli the neighborhood we have already had too many. But do not confuse these with ordinary people tipastri. People are equal dappertuto, in Italy as in Holland, France, Germany, in Europe, America and around the world. There are rulers cunning and crafty, able to get away from surprises, thanks to blatant sources of information, confusing, for example, seven years in prison with the acquittal or prescription with the acquittal.
To understand how this policy is now corrupt and colluding with the mafia and criminal organizations, you should watch the episode of Blue Night of September 14, 2008, with the reconstruction of Lucarelli clear and detailed. In particular, the position of Andreotti and his "acquittal", where instead of ruling on the provisions stated unequivocally that Andreotti was in contact environments with mobsters at least until the early 80s.
Archbishop of Milan, has denounced the homily for the Feast of the existence of Italian politics' groups where the good of individuals is not pursued in relation to the common good. " In another passage says the risk of "looking down, only down, imprisoned and ruined as we are by our" self ": an" I "often heavily marked by individualism and selfishness, an" I "that folds back on itself tends to antithesis, to constitute a "hero" to worship and for which you are willing to sacrifice everything. " It is not the only one to launch this warning: anche Avvenire e Famiglia Cristiana condannano la situazione politica e chi la governa. Il giornale dei Paolini attacca sulla questione morale: "Disfattista è chi non rispetta le regole".
Insomma, vari corpi dello Stato e della società stanno attaccando con sempre maggiore decisione e precisione non solo il Governo ed il suo modo di porsi, ma un'intera classe dirigente, un modo di condurre la politica fuori dalla linea guida del bene comune.
Parrebbe che solo l'elettorato sia fedele a Berlusconi: lui continua ad affermare che chi è stato eletto non può essere mandato a casa dalla minoranza. Il fatto è che lui non si è ancora reso conto di essere ormai minoranza, che l'elettorato si è spostato in modo different from what he believes. I loved his polls now put him in as both PDL and as a right-wing coalition, since the Centre has adopted a physiognomy of its own axis Casini-Fini-Rutelli.
no sense in bipolarity, but proportionately because they are at least four or five (depending on alliances) formations that could contribute to forming a majority. And if, as explained well in La7 Enrico Letta, there is not a new electoral law, you risk having the majority bonus that gives 55% of the House who is arriving to collect less than 30% of the votes! This is the risk to democracy at this time.
to have a stable new government after the elections, perhaps even more than what we have today, unable to respond quickly to pressing expectations of fiscal policy and international. The careful work of disinformation that public bodies are pursuing, such as TG1 and its director, does not do justice to the facts.
E 'perhaps the time has come, and it is this, a new initiative of Liberation, which should prompt us, as voters, a new phase of restart from the bottom of the institutions, because the driver is not now Italy doing (and I speak not only of the majority) in the name of the Italian people.


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