Monday, August 30, 2010

Kumar Bottomless Party

Money The denial of faith to

I do not know what you would expect from someone like Geddafi. Certainly that is here on a state visit bring with odalisques, Berber horses, amazons, hostesses and other things that allow you to do the religious adviser ... Well, the words come to have no meaning any longer.
How can our prime minister to accept and justify such an attitude? How could accept to be received on a visit he made in the Libyan land, a dictator who wore a military uniform hanging on the pictures of freedom surely abusive past, but also challenge ignorant brotherhood among peoples who look to a future of peace?
nonsense words, then as now. Define
antics of injuries to our deep social conscience, and religious history, this is not acceptable, even in the light of reason of state that must bring in cheap energy to keep our country competitive.
What compromises have to go down again?
Putin is not a communist, although formally ex? But he has gas and cheap oil, and then be okay in his dacha to get some fresh air. Yeah, I forgot: now in Russia it is hot enough to tame the fires we have to send our bombers, lasciando sguarnite alcune zone italiche. Ma va bene lo stesso....
Siamo il Paese delle contraddizioni e del compromesso, dove la dignità è stata venduta da tempo.
Durante gli anni della Guerra Fredda c'era la Gladio Bianca, coperta anche da eminenti personaggi politici e religiosi pronta ad intervenire nel caso di aggressione Russa; oggi chi ci difende da un ateo islamico che viene a fare proseliti in terra nostrana?
Mi rivolgo ai signori che pontificavano al Meeting di Rimini: avete più paura dello spettro delle elezioni o di un alleato che farnetica l'Europa Islamica? Perchè quello vi siete scelti per partner. Ed io, sinceramente, di uno così, un po' di problemi me li farei....


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