Friday, August 20, 2010

Pain In Left Shoulder And Breast

The battle of the numbers on illegal

As always, the facts. I take some news agencies this year, just to frame the problem of illegal landings.
Rome, April 14 2010 (Adnkronos) - From January 1 to April 4 this year, landed in Italy are only 170 illegal immigrants landed in 4573 compared to same period in 2009, a decrease of 96%. This was announced by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, during his hearing before the Committee Schengen.
The Press (August 9, 2010) - "There is a constant flow e una pressione migratoria che rimane sostanzialmente immutata se non aumentata al di là e a dispetto di tutti gli accordi presi tra Italia e Libia», spiegano dalla Caritas. «Rispetto ai mesi scorsi c’è stata infatti una ripresa degli sbarchi, soprattutto in Salento e in Sicilia - dice -. Il cambio di passo dei trafficanti di disperati è dimostrato proprio dal caso recente della Puglia, dove un paio di settimane fa una imbarcazione "anomala" di lusso trasportava 60 migranti irregolari stipati nelle cabine nella speranza di non essere intercettati dalla Capitaneria di Porto, come invece è avvenuto». «E nuova - aggiunge - sembra anche la procedura seguita la notte scorsa a Linosa dalla barca che ha scaricato i migranti (40) sulla spiaggia e poi si è allontanata».
Excite - (10 agosto 2010) Si parla di immigrazione. Secondo l'organizzazione cattolica Caritas dopo gli accordi con la Libia il flusso di sbarchi di immigrati verso le coste italiane è rimasto costante e la pressione migratoria è rimasta sostanzialmente immutata se non aumentata. Come si legge sulla Repubblica il responsabile nazionale della Caritas, Oliviero Forti, invita la politica a non trattare il tema dell'immigrazione 'in modo strumentale' perché 'questo significa non voler affrontare seriously the issue '.
Il Sole 24 Ore (15 August 2010) - The arrivals of illegal immigrants, from August 1, 2009, to July 31 of this year decreased by 88%, from 29,000 for the period August 2008 -July 2009, at the end of 3499 to July 2010. He said the Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, of Palermo after the meeting of the Committee for National Security, which was also attended by colleagues in the government and Justice Minister Angelino Alfano.
new daily di Puglia - Porto BADISCO (August 18, 2010) - This time the illegal immigrants who traveled on board "Yasmine" means a vessel fifty-foot sailboat with two masts, the Finnish flag. Started with a Greek port, the ship sailed for two days before landing its cargo of human beings. Yesterday, at around 3 am, the illegal immigrants took to the beach of Porto Badisco.
This is recent news on the subject illegal immigrants. On one hand, Interior Minister Maroni, engaged in a time of extreme political tension within the majority and the country, to give an image of solidity and credibility of your department in the management of agreements and for coastal surveillance eliminate (or at least reduce) the phenomenon of illegal immigration.
other hand, Caritas and other leading organizations at the national level, internet sites and free voices to bear witness, to give another interpretation, indicating a different state of things, due to clever manipulation of reality and the figures.
Accurate: the numbers are numbers, will be missed. But it's like you get to those numbers which leaves more of a doubt.
reading the various reports (I have provided a glimpse of what is very poor area of \u200b\u200bcomment on these events), we learn that the 2009 agreement between Italy and Libya began to take shape and now forces Libyan order to better control their coasts.
addition, the Italian forces have developed surveillance implement a directive of the Ministry about the so-called "refoulement", namely to prevent barges desperate to land on Italian shores, often full of people at the end of their tether, with many women and children who have not paid the minimum relief .
Still, some were closed reception centers, such as Lampedusa, so that anyone who is trapped does not end there, but the center of Porto Empedocle.
The result of the sum is therefore correct, but that the addends to be incorrect, and reliable, as configured by other circumstances, explained by Caritas. While Italy took
agreements with Libya, the traffickers were not with folded hands. Unfortunately, as we know well, all forms of crime are always ahead of the action of the police of any country, by definition. So
flows of illegal migrants from Africa have taken other avenues and other means. It is not part of the coast of a country before conniving and tolerant, like Libya, which used illegal immigrants as a weapon of blackmail to the Italian Government (that task has cost us € 11 billion, let's not forget), but other Arabian coast ports of the Mediterranean, from Tunisia and Egypt.
But those from the regions of Middle and Far East now coming from Turkey and then Greece.
They also changed the ways of carrying these illegal immigrants: no longer boats adrift, easily identifiable, even at long distances and easily "reject" and now come with jacht, sailboats, luxury cabins, but also small vessels crammed as usual until 'far-fetched.
For months, they are passed under the nose of the patrol, before anyone accrogesse of these new means and methods. In the meantime, we've got to believe the nonsense of Maroni and his men.
Only those who work in the area and is in contact with the persons involved painful stories, criticism, the limits of the human condition, stories that take us back to the slave trade as they really are these people can speak words of truth.
The Police, the Navy, the Guardia di Finanza operate in a vast territory and with relatively few resources, dedicated strictly to execute orders that in some cases, perhaps many, are not shared. But the military should not share, you need only follow orders received.
These are stories of pain and death that affect, at this time in history and in this geographical location, people just for being born a few thousand of miles to the north or further south you see relegated to lives diametrically opposite.
I have written before, but I would like to reiterate the concept that a human life is a human life, not skin color, no religion, no sex. Our conscience calls us respect and compassion for them and for us. Lock us in the fort to defend our things causes us to lose our soul, our culture, the true meaning of life.
We can build false truth, to reassure voters, pretending that all is well, but ultimately there will flood the truth. Deal with it openly and with hands outstretched in a gesture of fraternal embrace is the one that reminds us every day that a crucifix in every so often, even the Leaguers, thoughts turn to ask a few more votes.


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