Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Best Friend Quotes For Picnik

The constitutional reform of Justice in sauce Berlusconi

All in Castle Square on March 12 at 14
Constitutional reform avanzata oggi dal duo Berlusconi-Alfano come volevasi dimostrare non ha come obiettivo quello di far funzionare meglio la disastrata giustizia italiana, ma di "punire" i pubblici ministeri e di rendere costituzionale l'impunità dei potenti.
La separazione delle carriere, la fine dell'obbligatorietà dell'azione penale, l'inappellabilità da parte della pubblica accusa delle sentenze di assoluzione in primo grado, la responsabilità civile dei magistrati (cosa che peraltro già esiste), la polizia giudiziaria non più alle dipendenze dei magistrati, e così via. Berlusconi ha dichiarato che si tratta della riforma che avrebbe voluto già nel '94 me che gli hanno impedito di varare. Con una giustizia so reformed, there would have been tangentopoli, Berlusconi said candidly. Honor the clarity of purpose. As we all know how to speed up justice in Italy would be enough normal legislative action, not constitutional. Meanwhile, running the courts all day every day by hiring more clerks, joining the courts, decriminalizing offenses for which in any case no one will ever go to jail, introducing financial penalties appropriate, eliminating the legal requirement that those who appeal and then the Supreme Court can not be sentenced to more, so all use, clogging the courts with unnecessary appeals and so on. We must be absolutely guaranteed by the defendants, but also with victims of crimes in this country already struggling so much to get justice. Since the constitutional reform of its approval times are long and if it was not approved by two-thirds should be subject to mandatory referendum. E 'already happened Berlusconi to introduce constitutional reforms, then rejected by the citizens. The value of this proposed reform is all and only political. Its danger as a time de-legitimizing of the judiciary is great. How great is the risk that this will hopefully be the sunset of the Berlusconi regime becomes even more speed, eliminating what little democracy we have left. What to do? Lost any lingering hope that the opposition policy Berlusconi may be able to throw to prevent him from continuing to do damage to this poor and miserable country, citizens have only to believe in its strength, as has been done on February 13 with the women's event. So here is that next Saturday, March 12, 2011, presents a new opportunity to ask Berlusconi to take the trouble to save the public schools and our country. In fact, even in Turin will be held at 14 Piazza Castello in Turin in the event organized by several associations at national level (Article 21, Justice and Freedom, and associations and partisan ANPI FIAP), and in the same manner in which it was event took place February 13 to defend the dignity of women, so no banners and party organization. From the press FLC CGIL Turin: "With the associations that give life to this date we have had many battles common, particularly on justice, freedom of information, culture, the themes of work and its social value as a defense Parliament's role and institutional autonomy against bad proposals that now we would like to repeat.
the middle of mobilization, therefore, the defense of the Constitution of the value and importance of knowledge and the defense of the role of public schools, along with the renewed recognition the key role played by teachers, even more at a time marked by severely restrictive policies (reductions and reduction of resources in schools), are central issues, against the pull of the recent statements made by the President of the Council in order to reduce the space of cohesion, equality, democracy and participation. The Constitution, including the role of public and secular education is a fundamental part, is the covenant on which the unit holds all of our civil society and may not be available to a coalition government, as it is. "
John Lava


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