Monday, March 14, 2011

Campbells Cheddar Cheese Soup Recipes

the report is not approved the Plan of Action for the Sustainable Energy

phony figures for a serious commitment to the environment
Over the last city council has approved the Action Plan for ' Sustainable Energy ( Paes ) for the city of Collegno. The plan stems from a commitment made a year ago with the accession to the so-called Covenant of Mayors. This commitment to go beyond the objectives set by the EU in 2020 with a reduction of CO2 emissions and energy consumption in their respective cities by at least 20% and an increase over the same period by 20% of energy production renewable sources.
The administration's commitment to present a plan of action within one year was maintained, but the way it should be noted that the debate it became clear that the vast majority of the directors of both majority and opposition have paid much attention to Paes and its contents. Yet that document should be studied in depth, if only for the fact that it contains the lines Collegno development of the next decade and beyond. In the foreword it shows all the data and all the commitments that this administration and this majority intend to pursue, the variation in Via De Amicis (an area of \u200b\u200b816 thousand square meters of transformation for a gross floor area equal to 408 000 ; m) to the new plan of production plants (an area of \u200b\u200b512 thousand square meters), the new mega pool hall to the new ...
A preliminary analysis of the document, drafted under the direction of the Province of Turin and with the advice of the company in Milan Italy Environment, there are many aspetti che non convincono. In consiglio comunale il sottoscritto ha già avanzato tutte le perplessità di CIVICA circa l'attendibilità delle cifre indicate dal Paes e sulla serietà degli obiettivi che ne derivano. La prima critica nasce dal fatto che un piano del genere avrebbe avuto bisogno di un coinvolgimento a monte sia dei consiglieri comunali sia della città, soprattutto dei soggetti più coinvolti dagli obiettivi indicati. Invece il piano è calato dall'alto, confezionato e infiocchettato, ed è stato illustrato solo una settimana prima del consiglio comunale che lo doveva approvare. Il testo definitivo è stato consegnato addirittura solo il giorno prima del Consiglio. I punti deboli del plan are in the choice of so-called baseline , the year from which to count the 20% reduction in CO2 by 2020. Data provided by the plan shows that emissions increased until 2005, when it began a decline. Well, from 2005 to 2008, last year for which data are known, the emissions would be reduced by a 12.3% already, so from 2008 to 2020 for the target, as long as you reduce by slightly more than 7 %, not to mention that thanks to the crisis in the years 2009 and 2010 certainly have reduced emissions by itself. So all the actions proposed by the hereafter should produre little or nothing for the goal. Va detto che di un calo tanto significativo in Italia non vi è traccia nello stesso periodo. La media nazionale pare assestarsi intorno ad un calo del 3,5%. Si vede che Collegno fa eccezione! Ma prendendo per buoni i dati forniti, anche quel poco che si dovrebbe fare da qui al 2020, lo si farebbe in base a cifre scarsamente attendibili. Infatti l'azione più rilevante del piano è rappresentata dalla previsione di riqualificazione energetica del parco edilizio privato che consentirebbe di ottenere da una parte la riduzione del fabbisogno energetico e dall'altra la riduzione delle emissioni di CO2. Questa azione da sola varrebbe il 50% del raggiungimento dell'obiettivo indicato. Ebbene the provision of the plan is that by 2020 will be restored when 60% of residential buildings with energy adjustment required by local building regulations. It should reduce the energy consumption of 152,564 MWh and emissions of 31,909 tonnes. Taking into account that the private housing stock amounted to 2 million square meters in ten years should be restored something like one million and 200 thousand square meters. A credible target? Absolutely not if you look at what happened in the last two years: in 2009 if they are renovated 15 thousand square meters of 0.75% in 2010 instead of 20 thousand square meters of 1%. But the scan itself is a forecast annual phony: it starts from a baseline of 20 000 square meters in 2011 to get to the beauty of 250 thousand square meters in 2020! But here the full scan:

interventions forecast period 2011-2020

2011 ; 20,000 10
2012              25.000                           12
2013              25.000                           12
2014              30.000                           15
2015              50.000                           25
2016              80.000                           40
2017            120.000                           60
2018            170.000                           85
2019            200.000                     
100 2020 250 000 , 125
As can be seen until 2014, the growth forecast of restructuring seems plausible, then in 2015 he started 'surge. You may wonder why it is expected un incremento simile, sulla base di quali dati. La risposta è banale: nel 2014 il nostro sindaco termina il suo mandato amministrativo, perciò le previsioni devono essere alla portata, per poter sostenere di aver raggiunto gli obiettivi! Chi verrà dopo si arrangerà!
A scorrere il Paes di patacche se ne trovano tante. Come quella che grazie ai circa 200 mila mq di edifici residenziali che si cotruiranno a seguito della variante di via De Amicis gli abitanti cresceranno solo di 2500 unità. Da un calcolo terra terra dovrebbero essere almeno il doppio. Più abitanti, più consumi, più emissioni di CO2. Tutta la diffusione di impianti solari termici e fotovoltaici provided will depend very much on public incentives at this time does not bode well. Even the goals it should reach thanks to public transport appear smoky and thrown in to make up the numbers.
Although this is more of a stain than a credible plan, CIVIC has voted to count on taking the Councillor to undertake a serious comparison immediately, without waiting for the expected first step in two years. It will maintain its commitment? Check the environment is about to be launched will be able to have a say? The country has started on the wrong foot, but can be a starting point for a discourse more seriously. On this field no one may give up or get out.
John Lava


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