Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Is The Best Sanuk Sandals?

Looking for a way out

Once again we are discussing, not without a vague sense of frustration, the current political situation in Italy.
The opportunity came after the publication of data from some surveys in different directions, but the almost all agree in saying that the government is in sharp decline of credit, which Berlusconi is the strongest, that the opposition "traditional" ( PD, IDV) is in trouble and instead take advantage League and UDC.
A framework that we can scarcely imagine, the value of this survey is only in the explicit confirmation of this data.
flickers then, as the tip of an iceberg from the sea, the view of the Mayor of Florence, Renzi, who is pushing for a renewal of the party cadres (PD), however what I have long been reported and request (but this blog, who if the row?).
's not just a matter of form, but also one substance. Who led Italy to the state of asphyxia policy can not expect to continue to propose to the Government, after which somehow has repeatedly alternating between majority and minority. We need new energy and able to give a political impetus to Nuvo.
But not only that. President Napolitano asked aloud the appointment of the Minister of Economic Development, now 140 days away. And he's right to sell. At this time the financial pages tell us of the hardships of the largest Italian bank, Unicredit, and its an outstanding manager, Alessandro Profumo, in relation to the entry of Libyan forces in the bank. It airs on the Alitalia crisis, cut at least 1,200 people. Continue the struggle between Marchionne (FIAT) and trade unions, CGIL no longer alone, but with the move of Serbia, the manager of Turin has somehow managed to unite the trade union front.
crisis tightens again besieged by the Italian economy, finance is difficult to find outlets to secure its funding initiatives. the house plan of the Government clashes with this crisis, construction is still below the normal level of activity.
Italy's industrial indices and dancers too, potentially, negative. We do not share the industry, will not restart and led the small company now may not really have more resources for a possible recovery, if not quickly.
Yet the government is waiting to be toyed chess player, in search of a strategy to enable the Premier to stay away from the courtroom.
This is the mother of all our misfortunes: to have a Prime Minister too intent on curing their own affairs and interests, rather than the entire nation. Each time you return to this concept, yet it seems that nobody can understand the importance of getting rid of a man who does not allow the country to live. Not having removed all the economic resources, as is done in all civilized and democratic countries against political leaders, has left in his hands the power to "buy ratings ", like the exchange vote, going against the democracy that is often ignored, is against the will of the voters.
yet know, because the polls makes them especially him, that public opinion is today a political opinion far from the vote in 2008, that its rating is very low.
The only way out I see is ancient, but probably still valid: to provide to our safe passage to a kind of a quiet exile in some earthly paradise, without insisting on his legal troubles. As long as this situation will continue to be the center of public opinion, but no real way out, we will never be free to think al nostro futuro in termini costruttivi e positivi.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sample Of Church Donation Letter

Even children

In questi giorni ho avuto poco da commentare perchè il quadro politico sembra imbalsamato dalla posizione assunta da Fini e dall'impasse che questo ha creato nel Governo. Berlusconi esterna solo all'estero, anche perchè non ha molti argomenti da trattare e la sua demagogia è ormai al capolinea.
La politica qualche volta scopre nuove strade per confondere la realtà, ma sono solo false traccie che prima o poi scompaiono. La verità resta che in questo momento in Italia c'è un'assenza di potere vero.
Le riprove sono molte.
I fatti accaduti nel Golfo della Sirte dovrebbero far riflettere su parecchie things: the fact that those patrol boats to the Libyans have given us, that the very institutional and very personalistic relationship between Berlusconi and Gaddafi threatens our own nation and its role within the European Community (including the , the best business partners of Premier Berlusconi are immigrants, and municipalities to convert people of dubious personal reputation), that our vessel was in international waters and they shot him. Finally, the Minister's position that it is not clear, partly because the situation is really a mess. The CEI
accuses the government of inaction and he's right. But the CEI should bother to say these things? Our ministers are always so diligent to respond to the attacks of the opposition, but when some institutions are always talking about how Peter behind the blackboard.
The school takes over and you see the cracks generated by the nefarious activities that the Minister Gelmini is pursuing. Temporary workers to stay home, schools closed in distress in the workforce, limited support teachers and families in difficulty and so on. Here then pop out the cylinder to supply conigliotto missed all inside, a bit 'at a time. So we burn for decades, the opportunity for young people to have access to schooling. And we are preparing for elections.
A government that does not address, but put the patches that are worse than the hole.
When there are not freaks like a certain Mr PDL that says that women who prostitute themselves to gain access to a seat or a ministry are people so.
prostitution manifests itself in different ways, even in some intellectual way, but this is really worthy to be justified and endorsed by a representative of the Italian people, with clear intent exculpatory against his party leader.
the offense to women and, ultimately, the intelligence of the people irrespective of sex, is serious. It is not a character of the government, but inside is a majority that it needs to survive to go to supermarket to lose the vote, the mixed or so, to find numbers that are missing for some time now.
maggiornanza This no longer works in name and in the interests of those who have voted, but only and solely in its own interest. That's why they now understood even children, the only ones who still seem to be resisting them, the MPs of the PDL.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pour Batter In Cupcakes

What's wrong

Sunday evening I was among those who have listened carefully to the smooth-running of Gianfranco Fini Mirabello. It was my strong curiosity to hear the new developments that eventually his speech would bring, both in view of its institutional position, that his capacity as leader of a neo-neo-invisible-party. A special
but has attracted my attention: a huge media audience for a political event that has been drinking for an hour and a half Fini's speech, without any commercial interruptions. What happened to my memory only for the direct Paolini on LA7.
And LA7 broadcast live the event, along with SKY, RaiNews do not know if other stations have joined the chorus, but certainly I know that they have done.
At this point, we have to say with sincerity, there is really a problem of visibility of the real opposition, already humiliated in communication throughout the summer, according to numbers provided always LA7 media employment of national networks by individual parties. If we are talking
di par condicio questo deve essere possibile non solo durante la campagna elettorale, ma durante tutto l'anno. Ho potuto apprezzare in queste sere il nuovo telegiornale di Mentana, che mi ha un po' riconciliato con il giornalismo, perchè finalmente vedo qualcuno che se dice un'opinione afferma che sta dicendo una sua opinione e non un fatto, che riporta le fonti quando cita qualcuno, che fornisce dati e chiarisce responsabilità, non a capocchia, ma secondo le reali attribuzioni. Cosa che purtroppo non vedo più nel servizio di stato della RAI e non ho mai visto nei vari telegiornali del Presidente del Consiglio.
Questo per quanto riguarda la comunicazione.
Circa i contenuti di quanto ha detto Fini, mi vengono due considerazioni base: the first is the political opposition that speaks more to the leader that ally. And not by internal opposition, Bossi is right about this, but on the other hand, I still remember, he was no longer drink coffee with Fini a long time. Now he will only do good for your health, given his condition.
Fini attacks all parts of the government program, giving virtually incapacitated to Berlusconi, in great detail and argument pity that none of the points that he touches is really original. All were in the last few weeks, recovered and analyzed by all the true leader of the opposition, of Bersani to Casini, Di Pietro a Vendola Chiamparino and to many others, During the summer, took turns, often to the great mass ingnoti order to affirm the opinion of the parties.
Education, health, security has been severely criticized, and we know that the "THREE THEY" are the core of any democratic state, along with Justice. Having claimed strongly honesty and independence of the judiciary from politics has always been the workhorse of Di Pietro. Family forgotten, ignored, mocked by a government that has not been able to give any real help, nor in terms of taxation (PD), or the "family quotient" (casino): how many times the opposition has said these things?
But above all, where was Ends and where were his, when there were in the ranks of the PDL, to defend these rights, to support these claims? Today we feel expelled, but until yesterday were themselves accomplices of those who denounce. And this absolves them.
Secondly, the institutional goals. Demands a greater and lesser sobiretà contentiousness of politics, and even here I would say that on many occasions were he and his graduate (since there has been talk of generals, colonels and captains) to let it blow or fan the flames of tension , of accusations and denials.
Only yesterday, the journalists' questions about tensions in most seraphic Cicchitto replied that everything was calm and under control, when it was evident a tutti che non fosse così, che attacchi e bave alla bocca di molti esponenti del centrodestra erano di una tale evidenza che non servivano nemmeno commenti.
Le elezioni sono alle porte, ed ancora una volta mi sento di dire che la mia previsione si è rivelata corretta. Un governo ingessato come questo fa solo male al Paese. La notizia odierna di Berlusconi che intende rivolgersi al Capo dello Stato per chiedere di mandare via Fini è in bilico tra ridicolo e anticostituzionalità.
I veri problemi del Paese sono ancora una volta messi da parte. Ci sono migliaia di insegnanti precari che sono, a pochi giorni dall'inizio della scuola, senza un incarico, c'è la scuola che rischia di cominciare nel caos.
La Sanità in ginocchio, l'assistenza che toglie risorse per i ragazzi down, i tagli nella scuola per gli insegnanti di sostegno: fatti nn degni di un Paese civile e la manovra economica non credo potrà essere rispettata, anche perchè viaggia su binari che in molti casi sono discrezionali, le riduzioni di spesa e di cassa sono tutte da verificare e non escludo, benchè Tremonti farà di tutto per evitarlo, una nuova manovra a fine anno.
In ogni caso abbiamo centinaia di migliaia di giovani senza lavoro o con un lavoro talmente precario che non può essere definito tale. Sappiamo per certo che la ripresa in Italia non c'è ancora e forse non ci sarà mai. Abbiamo un debito pubblico tra i più a rischio del mondo, eppure is minimized at this point.
I wonder what would happen if instead of a couple of Prodi's majority votes, the legislature passed, he had had a score, just the minimum to get by until the end. He finished his term next spring, and certainly the public debt would be lower than the existing conditions and shooting the country's more clear. Perhaps even been able sarebebro taxes be lower, because you were going to implement the provisions that would allow this. During the crisis would not have given money to the industrialists and no rain in the workforce and perhaps the family might have had something more.
no use crying about the past, but it would be Fini stupid name now opposition leader.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Student Guide To Laboratory 5,

Attack ragweed

These are the days of ragweed, not because they are happy days, but because for many citizens of the province of Varese and a large part of Lombardy are days of pain and suffering. Allergy to this terrible pest, a shrub that comes to be high up to five feet, inflorescence with yellow pollen spreads billion for each plant.
An electron microscopic pollen that looks like a sea urchin, and very irritating, that primarily affects the respiratory tract, but also eyes and ears, with a sense of prurutio the palate and wheezing in the breath. I have read
several articles in recent days, have also been interviewed about it, but I find that in many cases, emeritus fellow politicians have done a lot of confusion and mistakes in communication tacky, so that also lead people to believe that the non-mowing neighbor Home is the reason why an entire region suffers.
He said inter alia that castle there is 15 percent of allergy sufferers: I would say that in reality there are many more, this is the percentage that is detected by clinical history, the confirmed cases, while many of most are mild cases, which indicated a temporary chill in the reason for a continuous drip of the nose. In my opinion
allergic are at least 25% of the population of these lands. There are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, people with allergies. If the people involved are about 6 million, it means that at least 1 million-odd are allergic.
What should be done to eliminate this scourge? In all honesty, at this point the adventure is really hard, without a coordinated plan and concrete containment of ragweed invasion. Why? For the characteristics of this plant and the basin of the Po Valley.
The climate of the plains become the optimal environment for the proliferation of this pest. Pollen can be transported tens of kilometers away from the wind, and that is why their on windy days it becomes more difficult to resist its devastating action.
One solution would be to resume large-scale what has been done long ago in Turbigo, paying farmers to fallow fields arassero and off from May to August. But above all we need to go to attack the airbase at Malpensa, the heath where ragweed is born, lives and prolific in industrial quantities and no one would dream of going to remove the weed.
should also be mowing the grounds at all areas of railways and rural roads, where the eyelashes lovingly welcome ragweed. It is important that all who sight, from May to August, eradicate or counter to the municipalities.
Need for coordinated action at the level of municipalities, provinces region and above, who undertake to eliminate as much as possible, at least for a year, this scourge.
But I think there are also those who expect to go on. More than a million tablets a day antihistamine represent a slice of cake to share, are millions of euro for pharmaceutical companies.
Perhaps it is time that the local and regional health is heard for what it really should be its role in protecting the health of citizens, not to defend the economic interests of a few.
It would also be the case that the same people you did feel more strongly and decisively, even to defend their rights when the representatives of the institutions are not willing or may intervene.
A warm thoughts to all people with allergies by one of them.