Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pour Batter In Cupcakes

What's wrong

Sunday evening I was among those who have listened carefully to the smooth-running of Gianfranco Fini Mirabello. It was my strong curiosity to hear the new developments that eventually his speech would bring, both in view of its institutional position, that his capacity as leader of a neo-neo-invisible-party. A special
but has attracted my attention: a huge media audience for a political event that has been drinking for an hour and a half Fini's speech, without any commercial interruptions. What happened to my memory only for the direct Paolini on LA7.
And LA7 broadcast live the event, along with SKY, RaiNews do not know if other stations have joined the chorus, but certainly I know that they have done.
At this point, we have to say with sincerity, there is really a problem of visibility of the real opposition, already humiliated in communication throughout the summer, according to numbers provided always LA7 media employment of national networks by individual parties. If we are talking
di par condicio questo deve essere possibile non solo durante la campagna elettorale, ma durante tutto l'anno. Ho potuto apprezzare in queste sere il nuovo telegiornale di Mentana, che mi ha un po' riconciliato con il giornalismo, perchè finalmente vedo qualcuno che se dice un'opinione afferma che sta dicendo una sua opinione e non un fatto, che riporta le fonti quando cita qualcuno, che fornisce dati e chiarisce responsabilità, non a capocchia, ma secondo le reali attribuzioni. Cosa che purtroppo non vedo più nel servizio di stato della RAI e non ho mai visto nei vari telegiornali del Presidente del Consiglio.
Questo per quanto riguarda la comunicazione.
Circa i contenuti di quanto ha detto Fini, mi vengono due considerazioni base: the first is the political opposition that speaks more to the leader that ally. And not by internal opposition, Bossi is right about this, but on the other hand, I still remember, he was no longer drink coffee with Fini a long time. Now he will only do good for your health, given his condition.
Fini attacks all parts of the government program, giving virtually incapacitated to Berlusconi, in great detail and argument pity that none of the points that he touches is really original. All were in the last few weeks, recovered and analyzed by all the true leader of the opposition, of Bersani to Casini, Di Pietro a Vendola Chiamparino and to many others, During the summer, took turns, often to the great mass ingnoti order to affirm the opinion of the parties.
Education, health, security has been severely criticized, and we know that the "THREE THEY" are the core of any democratic state, along with Justice. Having claimed strongly honesty and independence of the judiciary from politics has always been the workhorse of Di Pietro. Family forgotten, ignored, mocked by a government that has not been able to give any real help, nor in terms of taxation (PD), or the "family quotient" (casino): how many times the opposition has said these things?
But above all, where was Ends and where were his, when there were in the ranks of the PDL, to defend these rights, to support these claims? Today we feel expelled, but until yesterday were themselves accomplices of those who denounce. And this absolves them.
Secondly, the institutional goals. Demands a greater and lesser sobiretà contentiousness of politics, and even here I would say that on many occasions were he and his graduate (since there has been talk of generals, colonels and captains) to let it blow or fan the flames of tension , of accusations and denials.
Only yesterday, the journalists' questions about tensions in most seraphic Cicchitto replied that everything was calm and under control, when it was evident a tutti che non fosse così, che attacchi e bave alla bocca di molti esponenti del centrodestra erano di una tale evidenza che non servivano nemmeno commenti.
Le elezioni sono alle porte, ed ancora una volta mi sento di dire che la mia previsione si è rivelata corretta. Un governo ingessato come questo fa solo male al Paese. La notizia odierna di Berlusconi che intende rivolgersi al Capo dello Stato per chiedere di mandare via Fini è in bilico tra ridicolo e anticostituzionalità.
I veri problemi del Paese sono ancora una volta messi da parte. Ci sono migliaia di insegnanti precari che sono, a pochi giorni dall'inizio della scuola, senza un incarico, c'è la scuola che rischia di cominciare nel caos.
La Sanità in ginocchio, l'assistenza che toglie risorse per i ragazzi down, i tagli nella scuola per gli insegnanti di sostegno: fatti nn degni di un Paese civile e la manovra economica non credo potrà essere rispettata, anche perchè viaggia su binari che in molti casi sono discrezionali, le riduzioni di spesa e di cassa sono tutte da verificare e non escludo, benchè Tremonti farà di tutto per evitarlo, una nuova manovra a fine anno.
In ogni caso abbiamo centinaia di migliaia di giovani senza lavoro o con un lavoro talmente precario che non può essere definito tale. Sappiamo per certo che la ripresa in Italia non c'è ancora e forse non ci sarà mai. Abbiamo un debito pubblico tra i più a rischio del mondo, eppure is minimized at this point.
I wonder what would happen if instead of a couple of Prodi's majority votes, the legislature passed, he had had a score, just the minimum to get by until the end. He finished his term next spring, and certainly the public debt would be lower than the existing conditions and shooting the country's more clear. Perhaps even been able sarebebro taxes be lower, because you were going to implement the provisions that would allow this. During the crisis would not have given money to the industrialists and no rain in the workforce and perhaps the family might have had something more.
no use crying about the past, but it would be Fini stupid name now opposition leader.


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