Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sample Of Church Donation Letter

Even children

In questi giorni ho avuto poco da commentare perchè il quadro politico sembra imbalsamato dalla posizione assunta da Fini e dall'impasse che questo ha creato nel Governo. Berlusconi esterna solo all'estero, anche perchè non ha molti argomenti da trattare e la sua demagogia è ormai al capolinea.
La politica qualche volta scopre nuove strade per confondere la realtà, ma sono solo false traccie che prima o poi scompaiono. La verità resta che in questo momento in Italia c'è un'assenza di potere vero.
Le riprove sono molte.
I fatti accaduti nel Golfo della Sirte dovrebbero far riflettere su parecchie things: the fact that those patrol boats to the Libyans have given us, that the very institutional and very personalistic relationship between Berlusconi and Gaddafi threatens our own nation and its role within the European Community (including the , the best business partners of Premier Berlusconi are immigrants, and municipalities to convert people of dubious personal reputation), that our vessel was in international waters and they shot him. Finally, the Minister's position that it is not clear, partly because the situation is really a mess. The CEI
accuses the government of inaction and he's right. But the CEI should bother to say these things? Our ministers are always so diligent to respond to the attacks of the opposition, but when some institutions are always talking about how Peter behind the blackboard.
The school takes over and you see the cracks generated by the nefarious activities that the Minister Gelmini is pursuing. Temporary workers to stay home, schools closed in distress in the workforce, limited support teachers and families in difficulty and so on. Here then pop out the cylinder to supply conigliotto missed all inside, a bit 'at a time. So we burn for decades, the opportunity for young people to have access to schooling. And we are preparing for elections.
A government that does not address, but put the patches that are worse than the hole.
When there are not freaks like a certain Mr PDL that says that women who prostitute themselves to gain access to a seat or a ministry are people so.
prostitution manifests itself in different ways, even in some intellectual way, but this is really worthy to be justified and endorsed by a representative of the Italian people, with clear intent exculpatory against his party leader.
the offense to women and, ultimately, the intelligence of the people irrespective of sex, is serious. It is not a character of the government, but inside is a majority that it needs to survive to go to supermarket to lose the vote, the mixed or so, to find numbers that are missing for some time now.
maggiornanza This no longer works in name and in the interests of those who have voted, but only and solely in its own interest. That's why they now understood even children, the only ones who still seem to be resisting them, the MPs of the PDL.


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