Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Kitten Has A Bloated Stomach Been Dewormed


I read the statements of Mr Salomone on Malpensa Express to the issue and not having any possibility of public response, use the pages of my blog to answer.
Dear Henry, you are mistaken. I am not nor demagoguery election campaign, so much so that everyone knows that some time in the next election I will not be the candidate. So rest assured that what I say I say it just commute.
You, if anything, do you campaign, and defend the indefensible, ie the action that the Lombardy Region is planning to put in place against the commuters, once again putting their hands into the pockets of those who appear to be still the only taxpayers who pay all their taxes every penny: workers dipendenti, che costituiscono il 95% dei lavoratori pendolari.
Noi non abbiamo auto in leasing o carte carburante su cui scaricare le nostre spese di viaggio, caro Enrico. E una Regione che non premia chi fa questa scelta non testimonia civiltà e progresso. Se l'Emilia farà pagare di più ci penseranno i pendolari emiliani a far sentire la loro voce, io vivo qui e faccio sentire la mia qui.
Mio padre, quando portavo a casa un brutto voto e per giustificarmi dicevo che tanti altri miei compagni avevano preso meno di me, mi diceva: tu studia per te, non per fare una gara. Io dò voce ai tanti che non possono farlo, che pagano per un servizio che spesso è carente.
Noi pagheremo di più quando il servizio sarà migliore, per ora tutte le promesse del 2004 non sono state mantenute, e sono passati sei anni. Da sei anni (e più) la Regione promette di dare un servizio migliore, ma finora ha solo aumentato le tariffe di trasporto.
Forse è ora di dimostrare di saper fare qualcosa quando le cose vanno male, senza doversi appellare solo alla sfortuna o alle incapacità altrui anche perchè, mi risulta, comune, provincia, regione e governo italiano sono tutti dello stesso orientamento politico di centrodestra!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Schleese Eagle Saddle

Less resources, less confidence

Siamo alla frutta. Con l'ultima manovra finanziaria, i tagli ai comuni comporteranno minori erogazioni dallo Stato alla Regione Lombardia per oltre 200 milioni di Euro, of which 15 million will come from the province of Varese.
the town of Busto Arsizio € 1,960,460.64 will be cut a figure of great significance.
Translated, this means that there will be fewer resources to provide services to citizens and the proper administration of our municipalities, which increased cost of dry at the expense of families, businesses and citizens. Bossi and Berlusconi's government is burying the local authorities. These cuts in fact contradict the proclamations all federalists. Instead of hitting those who seek to help local communities to overcome this moment of crisis, the government would do well to cut inefficient government spending ministries that Roman has grown over the past two years by 10 percent.
deep cuts for social policy: more than 2 billion and € 800 million in less than a national level. Let also the reduction of office of the money destined for the 5 per thousand for volunteering, and we are in prospect in a situation very precarious for the whole world that revolves around weak, poverty, emergencies.
The news yesterday of the death of a homeless in Varese gives a first tangible sign of this speech. In a scenario like the present, where every cut and where there are no more resources to the most vulnerable social groups, they are precisely those that are likely more.
We then ask ourselves: are we really a society that can be defined "Civil" if we believe that only those who are productive, only those with the autonomous forces we can do to move forward? Even from the standpoint of physical survival of people?
Or are we instead the law of the jungle, the survival model tests Island Famous, the removal of dead branches, including even in these individuals? Who is fighting to save the living dead, who tears her clothes for people for years and years continue to live only with the help of expensive machinery, has in mind how many people are forced to live on the margins of society, no longer home nor things, which is likely to die of exposure or burst of hot summer? What life is worth more? O life has the same value for all?
has more value the life of a man or a woman, an Italian or an immigrant? He has more rights than a bum or a person who makes it?
I will not give answers, to give each according to his ability and his conscience, but ask yourself these questions at least once in your life and stop the viewer to walk the other way when someone asks you a reason above.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Most Effective Glutathione Brand


After the events of MPs yesterday, denied the vote of no confidence to Prime Minister Berlusconi, it seems that this government has donated 200 million of SuperEnalotto.
In fact we have seen for days, weeks, for a silly little theater, the succession of hypotheses news and rumors, empty classrooms parliamentary and institutional closures pending a handful of MPs could be bought with cowardly thirty pieces of silver.
Meanwhile, Italy has seen in recent months, climbing up to their public debt figures which now make us feel increasingly vulnerable on the international stage and especially on that of financial credibility.
I recall that the national debt of over € 1.8 trillion of "stealing" the real resources of the Italian state something like 80 billion euro a year of interest, and that's only because interest rates are currently low due to the crisis. Assuming that the maneuver of July was about 24 billion, we can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this debt.
Also on this floor, in an attempt to disguise the sinking ship, the Government has applied the law of the cuts, on which people have no immediate feeling of having your hands in the portfolio as a direct or indirect tax, but you notice when accessing government services.
Let's talk about health, education, security, local authorities that do not make it more going forward and that the Government now says that the ax hits the institutions that have squandered. Abuse and waste have always been there, but now more than ever the situation is dramatic even for entities modest life. The ticket increase and thus the cost of services. They know qualcosa i pendolari e i minacciati aumenti del prossimo mese...
Queste non sono tasse, ma possono incidere in modo decisivo sull'economia di una famiglia. Può voler dire sacrifici e non sempre questa parola piace, ma sta ritornando in voga.
E allora scopriamo che la pressione fiscale in Italia è cresciuta. Torno a dire, a costo di ripetermi, che Prodi fu messo in croce quando la pressione fiscale era al 42% e almeno un punto e mezzo di questa pressione era determinato dal recupero dell'evasione che la Guardia di Finanza stava riuscendo a portare a casa.
Notizia di oggi, la pressione fiscale è ad oltre il 43%, il terzo paese al mondo. Ma i servizi che otteniamo sono sicuramente per una posizione ben inferiore.
So we have to worry about the survival of a government that says to do but it does not, or think of to fix the real problems of Italian society? Justice is not the first problem, are the economic resources for economic recovery, are a fairer and less tax burden incident to the families and most disadvantaged economic classes, are better services for citizens and more effective, in line with the times and technology, a school that finally learn to anticipate the needs of the world economic / business and knows how to train young professionals who can be serious and prepared, even when the training is technical and does not reach the degree. We
give resources to law enforcement because the facts as those in Rome yesterday will not recur and why groups of rogues and criminals do not become the provocateurs who only play the game of those in power. Genoa 2001 docet.
Gentlemen, open your eyes and wake up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Math Problem Aquarium

After Kick budget

the last city council of 30 November, I gave two short speeches that obviously do not affect the news, but I hope and believe may be of benefit to citizens. The first was very simple, that the Sicilian Vespers street is closed to traffic for nearly six months. It seems very difficult to hope for an early closure of the works included the construction of the new section of sewer atteso da trent'anni. Ricordo che il sindaco Farioli aveva promesso, nell'assemblea di inizio giugno tenuta presso la casa parrocchiale di via Guido d'Arezzo che i lavori sarebbero terminati entro la ripresa dell'anno scolastico, quindi ai primi di settembre. Forse si è scordato di dire di quale anno.
Lo stesso interessato ha commentato questa osservazione dicendo che non ha mai promesso questo. Io non ero solo quella sera, c'erano almeno 80 persone ad ascoltare e proprio alcune di queste mi hanno chiesto di ricordare al sindaco le sue parole, cosa che ho fatto. Agli altri suggerisco di prendere carta e penna e per una volta agire in proprio nei confronti di chi non sa mantenere, se non le promesse, almeno gli impegni.
Il secondo intervention is the son of the first, even if it touches the budget. My reasoning is the famous "Social Report" at the beginning of this mandate, the then Minister for the Budget Cattaneo suggested but never materialized. This is why the Municipality of Busto Arsizio also took a prize, without which none has seen and understood what it was. A premium on trust.
In fact my argument is very real: we can discuss items of expenditure and technical adjustments as long as we want, but if at the end of the city is worse than before, it means that those who administered it has not achieved its objective. Just count the profits, if he put a knee in the city, its business structure, Civil and historic. If we are chasing the myths of the Pro Patria, now the umpteenth terminus, to find a little 'pride, we are really in bad shape.
so bad that it is this theme, groped for the coterie born to save the situation, he climbed over the issues of the budget and the council has dragged into a discussion of an hour and a half it has gotten to where he used to compromise and salvatutto salvatutti. Also on this theme (which I do not see why the council or the council would deal with much more courage, including the rescue of all companies operating in the area and employ thousands of people, for example) manifests the destruction of policy, derived from the fact that rooting for the Pro Patria channeling hundreds of votes and would be a shame to lose them without lifting a finger, no?
So we continue to keep the potholes in the streets, lighting dilapidated, only the Christmas lights in the center and periphery in the desolation, and no one finds the courage to say stop to this situation. Too bad for yet another lost opportunity ...