Friday, January 29, 2010

Nullifying Rentalcontracts


Family law is a branch of civil law regulating family relationships, including marriage, personal relationships among spouses, property relations in the family, filiation, relations between parents and children, separation, divorce, maintenance obligations and the obligations of maintaining the weaker spouse.

The Italian Constitution devotes three articles to the family:

- art. 29 stipulates that "The Republic recognizes the rights of the family as a natural society founded on marriage. Matrimony is the moral and legal equality of spouses within the limits established by law to guarantee family unity."

- art. 30 provides that "It is the duty and right of parents to support and educate their children even if born outside of marriage. In case of incapacity of the parents, the law provides for the fulfillment of their duties. The law ensures to children born out any legal protection of marriage and social, compatible with the rights of members of the legitimate family. The law lays down the rules and limitations for the determination of paternity. "

- art. 31 states that" The Republic assists with other economic measures and the formation of the family and the fulfillment of its duties, particularly with regard to families. Protects mothers, children and youth, promoting the institutions necessary for that purpose ".

from those provisions can extrapolate the key principles that govern family law principle of autonomy of the family, 2. the principle of equality between spouses; principle of protection of children (born in or out by marriage); 4.l 's obligation of both parents to the maintenance, education and upbringing of children; principle of government support to educational tasks of the family. The Civil Code devotes to the family code of the first book titled "People and the family." The concept of family law has changed radically since 1942 (the year in which entered into force on the Civil Code). At that time, the family was based on the subordination of the wife to her husband, both in personal relationships and in those assets, both in relationships between couples is against their children, and based on discrimination of children born outside marriage (illegitimate children) receiving a less favorable legal treatment rispetto ai figli legittimi.

La riforma introdotta dalla legge 19 maggio 1975, n. 151, ha finalmente apportato sostanziali modifiche dirette ad uniformare le norme ai principi costituzionali.

Con la legge del 1975 venne riconosciuta la parità giuridica dei coniugi, venne abrogato l'istituto della dote, venne riconosciuta ai figli naturali la stessa tutela prevista per i figli legittimi, venne istituita la comunione dei beni come regime patrimoniale legale della famiglia (in mancanza di diversa convenzione), la patria potestà venne sostituita dalla potestà di entrambi i genitori.

Il diritto di famiglia nel corso degli anni è soggetto ad ulteriori modifiche, frutto sia di elaborazioni Giurisprudenziali both important rules among which the divorce law (Law No. 898/1970, as amended in 1987 with Law No 74/1987) and the recent Law 54/2006, shared custody, which revolutionized the regulation of relations parents and children as regulated by the Civil Code. Clementoni

Firm Specializes in family law

Alba Adriatica (Teramo)

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L'avvocato matrimonialista

The figure of the double as a mediator in family crises.

's attorney double dealing, in particular, separation, divorce, cohabitation agreements, and amendments to conditions of separation.

Many couples seek advice from a lawyer double to end the marriage. But other couples are turning to a lawyer marriage only to learn what their rights and their rights within marriage to a union or in the case of a hypothetical future termination of the union. The lawyer double

explain them about their rights and obligations and what are the avenues where the couple decides to put an end to its emotional union.

The lawyer will explain the difference between a double separation of a consensual type of judicial separation.

The first is essentially based in the agreement of the spouses which is manifested (after double Lawyer have drawn up a special application) expressed in the form to the Tribunal.

In the second case there will be the establishment of a true litigation.

E 'should be noted that there is no real specialization that allows the lawyer to claim the title of marriage. In fact, the bed is a lawyer who has experience mainly in the field of family law and marriage, and that through practice, experience and training courses in the field, has gained considerable familiarity with the area of \u200b\u200bfamily law

double Lawyer, Law Firm Clementoni, Alba Adriatica (Teramo) Abruzzo

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ankle Hurts After Driving

Che cos’è la nullità del matrimonio religioso

Chi si è sposato in Chiesa, con rito concordatario o semplicemente religioso, può ottenere dall’autorità giudiziaria ecclesiastica la dichiarazione di nullità (comunemente, ma anche erroneamente, detta annullamento) del proprio matrimonio. La sentenza ecclesiastica non è automaticamente valida per lo Stato italiano, ma deve essere delibata, occorre cioè un procedimento, presso la Corte d’Appello, con il quale lo Stato recepisca detta sentenza valutando se ad essa possa essere riconosciuta efficacia agli effetti civili. Se la delibazione viene concessa, il matrimonio si considera nullo anche per il diritto italiano e viene meno l’obbligo di contribuzione al mantenimento dell’ex coniuge. Inoltre, chi ha ottenuto la nullità può celebrare un nuovo matrimonio in Chiesa.

Come funziona.

Il procedimento viene gestito da un avvocato in possesso di una particolare abilitazione. Si articola necessariamente in due gradi di giudizio ed è essenzialmente un procedimento di tipo orale, la cui istruttoria dunque si basa principalmente sull’interrogatorio dei coniugi e l’assunzione di prove testimoniali. A seconda però del capo di nullità invocato l’autorità giudiziaria ecclesiastica potrà anche disporre una perizia posichiatrica. A giudizio concluso, chiamato ad emettere la pronuncia definitiva sarà il tribunale competente di seconda istanza che, nella maggior parte cases, confirm the decision at first instance.

Preliminary interview.

lawyer authorized to practice before the ecclesiastical court must conduct a preliminary interview with both spouses rather than depth, or at least with their spouse while, during which examines whether or not the grounds for invalidity. If the lawyer believes that there are, you will be able to initiate the procedure.

costs and expenses.

The total fees for lawyers in cases of marital nullity shall be fixed by the Italian Episcopal Conference of a minimum of € 1,500 and a maximum of € 2850, for the entire procedure in two levels of jurisdiction, without prejudice to the tax law and other expenses such as unexpected additional investigation, the addition of new items, requests for extensions of time etc. .. In the event that even the court of appeal shall be conducted with the ordinary, or by taking new evidence, the lawyer it will be an additional fee with a minimum of € 575 and a maximum of € 1,150. To attorney's fees, must then add 500 € for costs to be paid at the beginning of the ecclesiastical court procedure, as a sort of unified contribution to the process. Legal aid: the church order provides a figure quite similar to that of legal aid State law provides for the Italian people have-nots. Who is eligible, may obtain legal assistance at the expense of the Ecclesiastical Court. The requirements for obtaining the benefit are more or less than those provided for by Italian law, especially in relation to income, plus a declaration of a parish priest attesting to his poverty.


time varies depending on the area of \u200b\u200bItaly where the procedure is established. We can take the example of Modena, a reality that we know best. Modena is home to an ecclesiastical tribunal responsible for all of Emilia, ie for the same proceedings of Modena, Reggio, Parma, Piacenza (while Bologna has jurisdiction at first instance for the whole of Romagna). Appeals Modena at the time are quite fast and in a year and a half usually ends the entire procedure in both instances, up to two years if it is necessary to undertake an appraisal.

Joint Action. The task

seeking the nullity of marriage may be religious also conferred by both spouses in the same office. In this case, the investigation is easier and faster, even if this structure does not change merely because it comes from a joint request.

Learn more.

If you want to ask a question or just need more information, contact the
Torrieri Attorney at Law Firm Clementoni Alba Adriatica (TE) Tel
the following number and fax. 0861/751330

Ovulation Frequent Urination

Studio Legale Clementoni di Alba Adriatica(TE)

The study deals with issues relating to matrimonial law, children and families in both civil and canon hole.

• In particular:

- the right of the people and the family


inheritance law - bans, disqualifications, general support

- causes of separation and divorce

- appeals to changing conditions Separation and divorce

- termination of court proceedings in cohabitation

- procedures for the custody of children

- procedures for the adoption of national and international

- procedures for adoption in special cases

- procedures for the annulment of the marriage

- procedures for the enforcement of foreign judgments and judgments ecclesiastical

- procedures for declaration of nullity of marriage on religious Regional Ecclesiastical Courts of First Instance, the Court of Appeal and at the Roman Rota

- bring actions before the Tribunal of the Apostolic

- consulting in the administrative procedure for the dispensation of marriage ratified and not consummated on the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

- consulting in the administrative procedure for the dissolution of marriage in favor of the Faith on the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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Avvocato canonico e civile in Abruzzo

Torrieri Tessy double and Attorney at Law Firm Rotale
Clementoni Alba Adriatica (TE)

Rota Torrieri matrimonial lawyer specializing in matrimonial law, children and the family is in civil and canon Forum.

It deals with procedures relating to separation of spouses, divorce, nullity of marriage, custody condiviso, interdizioni ed inabilitazioni, adozioni.

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Celebrazione matrimonio religioso

Se hai deciso di celebrare le nozze con una cerimonia religiosa di rito cattolico, devi pensarci per tempo, almeno tre mesi prima, soprattutto nel caso tu risieda in una grande città. In metropoli come Roma e Milano, per le tante richieste, nei periodi "caldi", occorrono anche sei mesi.

Cosa devi fare?

Per prima cosa i fidanzati si presentano nella parrocchia prescelta. Solitamente è quella della sposa.

Chiedi un colloquio con il parroco. Questi stabilirà una serie di incontri, per la preparazione spirituale. Alla fine, il religioso stabilirà se dichiarare i fidanzati pronti per il consenso e per celebrare le nozze.

L'offerta per la messa e la funzione è libera.

Sono gli sposi ad incaricare chi addobberà la chiesa.


Certificato di battesimo per uso matrimoniale. Da richiedere alla chiesa, dove hai ricevuto i sacramenti.

Certificato di cresima. Non è necessario, quando sul certificato di battesimo è annotata anche la data della cresima.

Certificato di stato libero ecclesiastico. Serve quando uno dei due sposi o entrambi hanno vissuto almeno un anno, dopo il sedicesimo anno di età, in una diocesi diversa da quella del domicilio attuale. You can replace the document with an oath supplettorio, which made it in front of the priest and two witnesses.

Certificate of attendance of the course before marriage. In some parishes, this certificate is also required of the course set by the pastor.

Status of E documents' issued to couples wishing to marry in a church outside the parish membership. The document must be presented to the pastor of the church of your choice. If

boyfriends already have children, and the father has recognized it has to do so. There is a standard form, which gives the parish priest.

Consent The consent, two witnesses. May be the same who will be attending the wedding. The agreement has no legal binding value. So, you can rethink your decision until the last minute, before saying it in front of the pastor.

After the marriage will have to sign two registers for two double acts. An original and one copy. He thinks the parish to have a copy to the City. In fact, the marriage in church has legal value for the state.

religious publications

Publications civilians. The pastor will think the request for civil publications, which will be posted for two more Sundays in three days in town.

clearances. At the end of this period the municipality will issue a clearance.

religious publications. Only then the publications will be posted in the Church, for the two Sundays before the wedding.

If the couple does not dwell in the same parish, you must also apply for publication in the church of the other spouse.

Certificate has been published. E 'issued by the parish priest once expired the end of the postings of publications.

State documents. If you decide to get married in a diocese other than your own, it will take a statement and a permit from the parish priest of the diocese, in which case the consent. The status of the documents to be delivered to the parish priest of your choice.

From this moment you have 6 months to celebrate the wedding.

Torrieri Lawyer, Law Firm Clementoni, Alba Adriatica (Teramo) Abruzzo