Thursday, January 28, 2010

Firgure Skating Cameltoe

Celebrazione matrimonio religioso

Se hai deciso di celebrare le nozze con una cerimonia religiosa di rito cattolico, devi pensarci per tempo, almeno tre mesi prima, soprattutto nel caso tu risieda in una grande città. In metropoli come Roma e Milano, per le tante richieste, nei periodi "caldi", occorrono anche sei mesi.

Cosa devi fare?

Per prima cosa i fidanzati si presentano nella parrocchia prescelta. Solitamente è quella della sposa.

Chiedi un colloquio con il parroco. Questi stabilirà una serie di incontri, per la preparazione spirituale. Alla fine, il religioso stabilirà se dichiarare i fidanzati pronti per il consenso e per celebrare le nozze.

L'offerta per la messa e la funzione è libera.

Sono gli sposi ad incaricare chi addobberà la chiesa.


Certificato di battesimo per uso matrimoniale. Da richiedere alla chiesa, dove hai ricevuto i sacramenti.

Certificato di cresima. Non è necessario, quando sul certificato di battesimo è annotata anche la data della cresima.

Certificato di stato libero ecclesiastico. Serve quando uno dei due sposi o entrambi hanno vissuto almeno un anno, dopo il sedicesimo anno di età, in una diocesi diversa da quella del domicilio attuale. You can replace the document with an oath supplettorio, which made it in front of the priest and two witnesses.

Certificate of attendance of the course before marriage. In some parishes, this certificate is also required of the course set by the pastor.

Status of E documents' issued to couples wishing to marry in a church outside the parish membership. The document must be presented to the pastor of the church of your choice. If

boyfriends already have children, and the father has recognized it has to do so. There is a standard form, which gives the parish priest.

Consent The consent, two witnesses. May be the same who will be attending the wedding. The agreement has no legal binding value. So, you can rethink your decision until the last minute, before saying it in front of the pastor.

After the marriage will have to sign two registers for two double acts. An original and one copy. He thinks the parish to have a copy to the City. In fact, the marriage in church has legal value for the state.

religious publications

Publications civilians. The pastor will think the request for civil publications, which will be posted for two more Sundays in three days in town.

clearances. At the end of this period the municipality will issue a clearance.

religious publications. Only then the publications will be posted in the Church, for the two Sundays before the wedding.

If the couple does not dwell in the same parish, you must also apply for publication in the church of the other spouse.

Certificate has been published. E 'issued by the parish priest once expired the end of the postings of publications.

State documents. If you decide to get married in a diocese other than your own, it will take a statement and a permit from the parish priest of the diocese, in which case the consent. The status of the documents to be delivered to the parish priest of your choice.

From this moment you have 6 months to celebrate the wedding.

Torrieri Lawyer, Law Firm Clementoni, Alba Adriatica (Teramo) Abruzzo


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