Monday, September 14, 2009

Fruit Store Renovation

Our Otto Della Sera

La maggior parte degli italiani trascorre le otto della sera divisa tra la cena ed i telegiornali, ma c’è una minoranza di italiani che ha scelto la radio come sorgente di informazioni, anche in questa fascia oraria.

L’era di Sergio Valzania ci aveva regalato un palinsesto di Radio2 ricco di intrattenimento intelligente e di alcune finestre di vera cultura. La finestra per eccellenza era rappresentata da “alle otto della sera”: storia, filosofia, matematica, fisica si sono susseguite negli anni, permettendoci di approfondire temi già noti o di conoscere personaggi o concetti che negli anni della nostra formazione ci erano scivolati sopra senza che noi vi avessimo dedicato la necessaria attention.

The transmission of this beautiful signatures are extraordinary: Giordano Bruno Guerri, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Umberto Guidoni, Demetrio Volcic, Luca Zingaretti, Vittorio Sgarbi, Francesco Cossiga, the same Valzania to name a few and we were thus royal pearls from the people who have studied for a living matter, and were there to give us the gist of a lot of work.

At eight in the evening and 'WAS CLOSED!

From September 7, 2009 this transmission has been relegated to a corner and other entertainment instead of some 'culture, but who wants to "entertain" has at least 7 TV channels and more clear on the radio, those who want to use your head, at least thirty minutes a day, you should stay awake at night, but I assure you that anyone who uses his head works every day, so much as all those who evening with their right to want to switch off and divest themselves up.

For users of smart radio, as well as paying rent, and offer it again when the culture that it deserves.

WANT THAT resumed at eight in the evening!
A historical transmission, a huge wealth of culture, information and trivia accessible to a wide audience, disseminating the history made by those who have studied or lived in person. This is at eight della Sera, this is what you WANT, even as subscribers to public service, and as such must provide a service to all.

WHAT TO DO to make us feel?

One of the few ways to make ourselves heard is to write to the Editor of Alle Otto Della Sera and express disappointment at the end of the program.

other way to contact "Scriver @ i", here:
and click on "click here" correspondent.
the page that you are open, complete the form with your details and express disappointment at the end of the program.


You are also invited to leave a comment to this post if you like the idea.


Note, for the avoidance of doubt.
This page was created by a group of loyal listeners of the program in any way related to RAI if not for the fact that subscribers and listeners.




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